Wife Returns From Work to Find Her Husband in Bed With Another Woman – Story of the Day
Michael and Mary are staying in a Los Angeles hotel while Mary is in town for a business trip, but Michael has a secret. Unbeknownst to Mary, he's been having an affair with a maid working at the hotel. What will happen when Mary returns to the room unexpectedly while his lover is there?
Michael checked the time on his watch and shut down his laptop. He'd been painting in the background for a new digital art piece he'd been commissioned for, but it would have to wait. His guest would be arriving soon, and he needed to prepare.
The hotel room was a mess, but he refused to lift a finger to tidy it up. That was not his priority. Instead, he stepped into the shower. Once he'd cleaned up, Michael carefully selected a casual outfit that he knew he looked good in.
Michael grinned at himself in the mirror. Fridays had become the highlight of his week since he and his wife booked into this hotel in Los Angeles. He'd been disappointed at first that they wouldn't be staying in a more upmarket hotel, but this place definitely had its perks.
A brisk knock sounded from the hotel door. Michael's heart leaped into his throat, and rushed into the narrow hallway leading to the bedroom. He paused in front of the entrance to check his breath and run his fingers through his hair. Then, he tugged the door open.
The maid was standing outside his door. He glanced up and down the hallway, but there was nobody else in sight. Michael grinned from ear to ear as he stepped forward and kissed her.

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Michael and Lucy made their way to the hotel bedroom. He was thoroughly caught up in the thrill of the dangers involved in meeting the maid for a passionate afternoon delight. He pulled Lucy into his arms and kissed her intensely. He simply couldn't resist her French maid-style uniform or her full, red lips.
"I've been waiting so long for Friday when you'd finally come back to me," he breathed as he pulled her down onto the bed with him.
Lucy giggled playfully and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I've been waiting too, my darling. I wish we could do this every day."
There was an unsettling note of clinginess in her voice, but Michael silenced her with another kiss. After all, he wasn't meeting with her to talk. He got more than enough of that from his wife, Mary.
The seven days that had passed since his last meeting with Lucy felt like a lifetime, a lifetime filled with boring routines, an unsatisfying job, and his uptight wife's constant nagging. But being with Lucy was like fireworks on the 4th of July. She made him feel alive in a way he hadn't experienced since college.
Just as things were getting steamy, Lucy and Michael were interrupted by another knock on the door. Michael leaned onto his elbows and glanced over his shoulder, confused and mildly frustrated by the interruption.
"Did you order anything?" He asked.
"No," Lucy replied with a shake of her head.

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Michael got up to answer the door. Strictly speaking, Michael and his wife, Mary, were in Los Angeles for business—Her business. Michael was just along for the ride since he mainly worked online.
Mary was a big-shot marketing executive, and it wasn't unusual for her to have packages of mockup promotional materials sent to their hotel room. Although he had no desire to leave Lucy's side, Mary would kick up a fuss if he didn't accept one of her super important packages.
He threw open the door. Michael was determined to get this over and done with so he could return to the far more essential and pleasant task awaiting his attention in the bedroom. However, the person he saw standing in the hallway sent a wave of panic crashing over Michael.
"Surprise!" Mary threw out her arms and grinned at him. "The presentation finished early so I skipped out on the snacks and came back here to have lunch with you."
"Mary, my beloved wife!" Michael called out, bracing his arms against the doorframe. "This is a surprise! Wow, you should've mentioned you might be back early. I'm, uh, actually busy working."
Mary's smile dropped, and a fierce glint appeared in her eyes as she glanced over Michael's shoulders.
"Enough lying," Mary snapped, pushing past him to enter the hotel room. "Where is she?"

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"What?" Michael feigned innocence as he retreated to the door leading off the narrow entrance hall to the bedroom. He tried to seem casual as he blocked the doorway. "I don't know who you're talking about. Was someone supposed to be here?"
Mary tugged open the closet door and scrutinized the inside. She then spun around to enter the bedroom. Michael put his hands on her arms and stared down at her with the best facsimile of a baffled smile that he could muster.
"Honey, please tell me what's going on. Didn't you say you came back here for lunch? We should go down to the hotel restaurant..."
Mary gave him a fierce look and brushed his hands away. She then neatly dodged around Michael, who was still trying to block the doorway, and entered the bedroom.
"Honey, please," Michael pleaded as he came up behind Mary. "I'm the only one here."
Mary didn't reply. Adrenaline coursed through Michael's veins as he, too, stared into the room.
The bed was unmade from when he and Mary had woken that morning. But the bedcovers were also badly wrinkled and in complete disarray now, a state he could only attribute to his and Lucy's excitement at being together again.
The door leading to the en suite bathroom stood ajar, and the light was flickering. Lucy was nowhere in sight.

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Mary didn't comment on the state of the bed. Instead, she marched toward the en suite bathroom. Fear filled Michael as he watched her fling the door open.
This was a simple hotel, and the rooms weren't large. The odds that Lucy was hiding in the bathroom were very high, and that meant Michael had only split seconds at best to divert his wife's attention. If Mary caught Lucy hiding in the bathroom, Michael would be in big trouble.
"Oh, come on!" Michael dashed after Mary.
He hovered behind her as she studied the bathroom and tried to see over her shoulder. An almost electrifying cocktail of panic and adrenalin coursed through his veins as he tried to think of something, anything, he could do or say to keep her from discovering his secret lover's hiding spot.
Mary studied the room for a few minutes. To Michael's relief, she then let out a deep sigh, and he watched as the tension drained from Mary's shoulders. She turned to face him with a doubtful look in her eyes and a slight frown wrinkling her brow.
"See, honey? There's no one here." Michael moved in close to Mary and put his hands on her arms. "You're just winding yourself up. You're under so much pressure at work and, let's face it, the constant backstabbing and cheating to get ahead has forced you to become a little... distrustful."
Mary glanced at him. She might've marched into the hotel room full of bluster and determined to catch him cheating, but Michael noted the confusion written now on her face. Even more importantly, he saw hope there. If he played his cards right, he might still escape this situation Scott-free.

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"I love only you," Michael whispered, moving in close to her. He placed one of her hands over his heart and held it there as he pressed his forehead against hers. "Feel that? Even after three years of marriage, my heart beats like a drum whenever I'm near you."
Mary tilted her head to one side and looked deeply into his eyes. A smile slowly appeared on her face as she slid her hands over his chest.
"If you love only me, then prove it," Mary said with a saucy grin.
"Oh..." Michael held Mary close and playfully pushed her down onto the bed. "You want proof that I love you? I will gladly do everything I need to do to convince you, honey."
Mary chuckled as Michael kissed her neck and whispered naughtily to her. His hands roamed across her dark blue linen blazer before sliding beneath to untuck her crisp white shirt from her trousers.
"Stop, it tickles!" Mary laughed.
But Mary's smile died when a phone started ringing under the bed. Michael recognized Lucy's ringtone and immediately realized where she was hiding.

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Michael was sure this was the end. He maintained his innocent smile as he looked down at Mary. This was his ultimate test, and he knew he had to be brave in the face of the fury spreading across her face. There was no other way he'd stand a chance of convincing her to buy his lies.
"Who's phone is that?" Mary asked.
"Oh, uh...it's mine," Michael replied.
"You're lying again!" Mary pushed against his shoulders.
"No, I swear I'm not. I'll show you, honey," Michael insisted.
He leaned over to reach under the bed. His heart was pounding in his chest. Michael was confident his phone had ended up down there when he and Lucy were busy earlier, but now he couldn't feel it. Instead, his fingers brushed against the tight weave of the gray carpet fruitlessly.
He also didn't want to get up to search for it because if Mary looked under the bed, he was certain she'd find Lucy hiding there. What happened next confirmed his fears.
Lucy's fingers brushed against his as she pressed Michael's phone into his hands. He quickly snatched the device from her hand and lifted it up to show Mary.
"You see? I just changed the ringtone," Michael said. "That way I can tell when I'm getting a work call, or when my beloved Mary is phoning me."

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Mary met his gaze. For a moment, Michael thought he'd convinced her despite all the odds, but then she pushed Michael off her and sat up on the edge of the bed.
Michael couldn't lose Mary. She was a wealthy woman with a high-paying job, and he'd never be able to support himself from his art commissions alone. He needed her.
"Honey, listen, don't you remember this sticker?" Michael sat beside Mary and showed her the circular sticker on the back of his phone.
"You got it for me at a charity fair. I placed it on my phone so I'd always have a little piece of you near me. You don't need to worry just because I changed my ringtone."
Mary's frown faded, and she released a sigh. "It's just so strange... I swear to you, I could smell a woman's perfume when I entered this room."
"Oh, honey. You're just overreacting." Michael put his arm around Mary, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "There's nobody here, and there never was. It's probably just the automatic air freshener."

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Mary glanced up at the little device attached to the wall near the entrance to the bedroom. "Maybe you're right," she sighed.
"Of course, I am." Michael tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You just need to get some fresh air, okay? Then, once you feel a bit better, we'll go to one of those little bistros you were admiring when we drove through Skid Row. We'll have lunch, and then..." he smiled suggestively, "maybe I can 'convince' you how much I love you later."
"Okay." Mary smiled a little and kissed his cheek. "I'll go take a stroll around the pool. I'll be right back."
Michael watched Mary leave and let out a deep sigh when he heard the hotel room door shut behind her. He couldn't believe he'd just gotten away with that!
He was still basking in the warm glow of his successful deceit when Lucy slid out from beneath the bed and looked up at him with wide eyes.
"That was close!" she gasped.

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Early that evening, Lucy was pushing her cart filled with cleaning supplies down an empty hotel corridor. She still couldn't believe how narrowly she and Michael had avoided being discovered by his wife.
Although she'd been terrified at the time, she now felt a smug sense of satisfaction about fooling the woman Michael always told her was so uptight and controlling.
Of course, all her lovers had something negative to say about their wives, but Michael was different. She'd seen for herself how Mary stormed through the room earlier that day, and it had seemed clear to Lucy that Mary was the domineering type. It was also clear that Michael deserved better.
Lucy turned and got the fright of her life when she saw Mary standing just around the corner. All her daydreams of a happy life with Michael vanished like smoke in the wind. She stopped and returned Mary's greeting with a nervous 'hi.'
Mary stepped forward, arms crossed and wearing a serious expression on her face. "How do you like my husband?" she asked.

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Lucy's heart skipped a beat. She froze for a moment as her thoughts worked like lightning to come up with an innocent response to Mary's question.
"Er...what do you mean?" Lucy asked, feigning confusion.
"You heard me." Icy rage glittered in Mary's eyes as she stared at Lucy. "Do you like him?"
"No! I mean yes...er, no. I meant to say no."
As Lucy fumbled for the right thing to say, Mary cocked her head to one side and clenched her jaw. Lucy averted her gaze. There had to be something she could say to this woman to dispel her suspicions!
"What I'm trying to say is that he's just an ordinary guest," Lucy continued. "I don't have an opinion about him either way. And, uh, actually, we're not allowed to have any contact with our guests that isn't related to our job. No personal relationships are allowed."

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Lucy could tell that Mary wasn't entirely convinced, so she lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "I would be fired immediately if I broke that rule," she said. "And no man is worth losing your job for, right?"
Mary stepped forward, a grim expression on her face as she scanned Lucy. Lucy tried to hide her fears behind a polite smile. After years of working with demanding guests, it wasn't too difficult for her to switch to her 'helpful employee' facade. And it worked!
"Relax, I'm just kidding." Mary grinned at her.
"Oh, okay." Lucy kept her smile fixed firmly in place. She was about to move on, but Mary hadn't finished speaking to her.
"I'm sure you're a professional who's dedicated to providing your guests with good service," Mary continued in a low tone. "So, I have something I need to ask you."
"Okay..." Lucy replied hesitantly. "What can I do for you?"
"I need to know if you maybe noticed my husband receiving a guest earlier today, or last Friday?" Mary asked.

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"I didn't see anyone, ma'am," Lucy replied carefully. "He's always working alone when I come in to clean the room."
"Hmm... okay. Thank you." Mary smiled and moved aside, opening up space for Lucy and her cart to pass her easily in the passage. "I'm sorry for bothering you."
"No problem." Lucy returned her smile and headed off.
It took every ounce of willpower Lucy possessed to resist the urge to flee down the corridor at top speed. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction at having pulled the wool over Mary's eyes twice in one day, but that didn't mean she wanted to hang around her lover's wife any longer than she needed to.
"There's just one more thing," Mary said as Lucy pushed her cart past her. "I have a small request."
"Yes?" Lucy asked hesitantly.
"I'd like to see the footage from the security camera in the hallway." Mary placed one hand on Lucy's cart as she spoke. "Could you help me with that?"

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"No. I'm sorry, ma'am, but I really can't do that for you." Lucy made to leave.
"Think again, there's a nice tip in it for you." Mary raised one hand and rubbed her fingers together.
Lucy glanced at Mary only briefly. There was no way she'd allow Mary to see that video footage! Everything the woman needed to prove once and for all that Lucy and Michael were having an affair was recorded on that camera.
"I'm sorry, but hotel policy prohibits us from allowing guests to view security footage without a valid reason." Lucy smiled politely at Mary. "Now, if you'll please excuse me, I must get back to work."
"Well, in that case, I guess I'll just have to speak to the security guard myself," Mary said. "I'll just tell them that I... lost my wallet. I'm sure they will be happy to provide me with this high level of service."
Lucy panicked. She'd be in even more trouble if the hotel's security staff caught her on camera with Michael. No matter what, she had to stop Mary from bringing her transgressions to the attention of other hotel staff.
"Don't do that." Lucy smiled brightly at Mary. "It's better not to bother security with such little things. I will be happy to help you instead."

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When Lucy had started working at the hotel five years earlier, she'd immediately set out to befriend the only woman on the security staff. She'd reasoned at the time that Maria could prove to be a valuable connection, and she'd been right.
Not only had Maria helped Lucy keep her affairs with wealthy male guests under wraps, but she'd also helped to cover up the few times Lucy had stolen an expensive watch or designer shoes from one of the rooms. The pair had a good thing going, but Maria's shift had ended at 12.
So, Lucy let herself and Mary into the surveillance room when she knew the guard was taking a break. She settled herself in the only chair and moved closer to the console. Mary stared over her shoulder as Lucy brought up the security footage for the hallway where she and Michael's room was situated.
"Okay, could you turn that back to around 11 this morning," Mary said while gesturing to the timestamp on the screen, "that should show anyone who might've visited him just before I got to the room."
"Okay," Lucy replied hesitantly.
Lucy set the video back to the appropriate time with shaking fingers. She barely dared to breathe as the security footage showed her pushing her cart of cleaning supplies down the hallway.
"Nothing special here," Lucy said. "It's just me."

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"So I see." Mary chewed her lower lip as she scrutinized the black and white video on screen. "Let's watch further."
Lucy made certain Mary's attention was focused on the screen, then rolled her eyes. This woman was turning into a whole lot of trouble, and it was time she called in some backup. She sneakily removed her phone and typed out a text to Michael.
The two women watched as the footage showed Lucy dusting a painting in the hallway. Lucy watched the seconds tick by on the timestamp with bated breath. Just as she was beginning to think she'd have to come up with a Plan B quickly, Mary's phone started ringing.
"Yeah, honey?" Mary said when she accepted the call.
Lucy glanced over her shoulder and watched as Mary stepped aside and averted her gaze. Michael had called just in time. On the screen, Lucy had returned her duster to the cart and was standing in front of Michael's door, smoothing out her uniform.
"The keys? Hold on a second and I'll check." Mary hunched her shoulder to keep her phone in place as she started searching through her handbag.
Lucy glanced anxiously from Mary to the screen as the security footage showed Michael opening the hotel room door. He gave Lucy a devilish grin as he stepped out into the hallway and then swept her up in a passionate kiss.

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Lucy's heart hammered against her ribs as the kiss between her and Michael on-screen heated up. Their hands were now roaming freely over each other's bodies. If Mary looked at the screen now, there'd be no room for doubt about what her husband had been up to or the identity of his willing partner-in-crime.
A few inches to Lucy's right, Mary was still hunting through her handbag in search of the keys. Lucy hoped they were at the very bottom of her handbag. She glanced back at the screen just as it showed her playfully pushing Michael back into his room. Maybe, just maybe, she could still convince Mary that all was well.
"Okay, here they are," Mary said. "Everything's fine."
Lucy watched herself fixing her hair on the screen. She was about to follow Michael into the room and shut the door, but Mary had finished her phone call. Lucy held her breath while she waited to see if Mary would look back at the screen in time to see Lucy enter the hotel room.
The door closed a split second before Mary leaned over to study the screen once more.
"There's nothing here," Lucy said, barely restraining her relieved smile. "I went into the room across the hallway to clean it. And there you are." She pointed to the screen as Mary appeared in the hallway.
Mary let out a sigh and shook her head. "I guess I was just winding myself up. Sorry for bothering you, and thank you for your help. I really appreciate it."
Mary grabbed her back and headed for the door, but she froze when Lucy's phone started ringing. Slowly, Mary turned and glared daggers at Lucy.

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"One more thing," Mary said in an icy tone.
"Yes?" Lucy asked, doing her best to seem innocent.
"Call someone to carry my luggage to the car. I'll be traveling to Tijuana in an hour, and will be staying there for the next two days on business," Mary said.
Lucy felt like she might burst from happiness when she heard those words, but she kept her excitement tightly controlled.
"Sure, Mrs. Lewis," she replied. "I hope you have a productive trip."
"Thank you." Mary smiled.
Lucy watched until Mary had left the room and shut the door behind her. Only then did she allow herself to lean forward and let out a long sigh. That had been one heck of a close call!
But now she'd have Michael all to herself for a few days. Lucy bit her lip as she thought of all the things they could do to each other while Mary was in Tijuana. Most of all, she wondered if this incident would prove to be the final straw for Michael.
Right there and then, Lucy resolved to do whatever it took during the next two days to convince Michael to leave Mary for her.

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Michael was thrilled when Mary told him she had to go to Tijuana on business, but he pretended to be sad as he leaned into the back of the cab to kiss Mary on the cheek.
"It's a pity there's no wifi at the resort you're going to," Michael said. "I would've loved to come with you, but there's a video meeting I need to attend tomorrow..."
"I understand, baby." Mary caressed his cheek. "Don't feel too bad about it. I'll probably be working all the time anyway."
Michael fixed a sympathetic smile on his face. "We'll soon be together again, honey. Then I'll show you how much I missed you while you were gone."
Mary smiled. "Oh, I'm going to look forward to that, baby."
Michael shut the taxi door and waved goodbye to Mary until she was out of sight. Then he pumped his fist into the air victoriously. Now Mary was out of his way, Michael could finish what he started with Lucy that morning. He could also go back to the bar they'd visited on their first night in L.A. to see if the cute waitress might want a piece of him too.
Michael grinned as he strode back into the hotel. As he was marching across the foyer to the elevators, a beautiful woman headed toward the exit stumbled and fell against him. Instinctively, he put out his arms and caught her.
"I'm so sorry," she breathed as she looked up at him. "I'm so clumsy sometimes."
"Don't apologize." Michael gave her his most charming grin. "It's not every day a man gets to hold a woman as beautiful as you in his arms."
The woman laughed coquettishly and playfully slapped his chest. Michael led her to the bar to buy her a drink.

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Michael returned to his room thirty minutes later with the woman's number safely stored in his phone. He'd invited her to meet him at a trendy cafe tomorrow, and she'd agreed. But for now, he was all worked up with nowhere to go.
It seemed like Providence was smiling at him when he entered the hotel bedroom and saw Lucy bent over near the bed while she cleaned the nightstand. His breath hissed between his teeth as he took in the shapely proportions of her rear end.
"Oh, babe, you just read my mind!" Michael exclaimed as he swaggered up behind her. "Now my stupid wife has left for her trip to Tijuana, we have this place all to ourselves. We have all the time in the world to play our little—"
A brisk knock at the door interrupted Michael. He let out a frustrated groan and yelled: "Not now!"
"As I was saying," he stepped closer to Lucy, "we have the whole night to play."
He reached out to wrap his hand around her hip just as the person at the door knocked again.
"Are you deaf or something?" Michael shouted. He lowered his voice to speak to Lucy. "Just wait right here for me," he said. "I'll be back as soon as I've gotten rid of whoever keeps banging on the door.

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"What do you want?!" Michael tugged the door open. His jaw dropped when he saw who was standing on the other side.
"Hello, my stud." Lucy placed her hands on both sides of the door frame as she leaned forward seductively. "We never finished what we started this morning."
"Lucy?" Michael frowned at the maid. "But if you're here, then who is in my room?"
He turned around, and a chill of fear froze his heart as he came face to face with Mary. She was wearing exactly the same uniform as Lucy and had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. The look on her face told him he was a dead man.
"Her stud, huh?" Mary arched her eyebrows.
"Ma-Mary! You, uh, you look amazing in that uniform!" Michael gave her a charming grin.
"What! Are you an idiot? How dare you try to charm me when I've just caught you red-handed!"
"I can explain!" Michael cried.
But Mary was in no mood to listen.

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"I know exactly what you're going to say, Michael," she snapped. "You'll tell me this is not what I think, but you're busted! You've been cheating on me with the hotel maid! She was hiding under the bed this morning while you were making out with me."
Mary shook her head. "I can't believe you would have the nerve to seduce me while your lover was hiding in the room. Game over, you sick creep."
"Honey, wait, you're overreacting." Michael raised his hand in a pleading gesture. "This is just a game," he gestured to Lucy, standing behind him, "it's not serious, just a little fun."
"Of course." Mary leaned over to peer around Michael. She locked gazes with Lucy, who was still standing in the doorway. "Girl, did you know you're just a toy to him? Or did he swear to love you forever?"
Lucy looked down at the floor, but not before Mary spotted the tears forming in her eyes.
"Honey, stop, please!" Michael sank to her knees and shuffled toward Mary. "Please, forgive me, honey. This stupid maid means nothing to me, I promise. You're the only woman I love."
Mary looked down at Michael and ran her fingers through his hair. "I wouldn't insult the hotel staff if I were you. Because when I get done with you, you'll need to clean rooms to pay your bill." She patted his cheek and smiled maliciously. "We're getting a divorce."

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"And you can forget about everything we shared, Michael, because it's all mine now. I'm cutting you off." Mary sidestepped Michael and moved toward Lucy. "And as for you...what did you say would happen if you were caught having a personal relationship with a guest?"
Lucy glanced at Mary and then quickly looked away. She'd knotted her fingers together in front of her.
"Nothing to say?" Mary continued. "Well, I believe you told me that you'd be fired immediately. So, you should probably go and pack your things because you're done working at this hotel."
"Honey, please don't do this!" Michael cried from behind her. "I'm literally begging for your forgiveness. It was just one, small mistake. I swear it will never happen again. Are you really going to give up on our marriage so easily?"
Rage flooded through Mary as Michael spoke. She couldn't believe he'd have the audacity to accuse her of giving up on their marriage after what he'd done with the maid.
"Yes," Mary replied. "Because you can never satisfy a cheater's hunger."
She stepped past Lucy and set off down the hall. On her way to the manager's office, Mary made a call to her lawyer to start divorce proceedings.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.