35 People Who Went on Their Worst First Dates Ever
The first date with someone holds significant importance because it helps the person decide what they think of their potential partner. Some people are great at making impactful first impressions, while others get nervous when they meet someone for the first time.

A couple in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock
Their nervousness makes them say or do certain things that make their date think they aren't the right person for them. Some people on Reddit opened up about the time they went on their worst first date ever. Here are a few stories they shared.
Comments have been edited for clarity and grammar.
1. He Looked Completely Different

A woman dancing at a party | Source: Pexels
u/zeropercentbattery: The worst date I've ever been on was one where I kissed this guy at a party, and I swear to god, when I rocked up to see him again (I wasn't super keen, he seemed a bit weird, but he insisted on catching up for lunch a week after because he didn't like the idea of "kissing someone once"), it was a different guy.
I was SO confused. The man looked completely different, and I hadn't been drinking at the party. I specifically remember the guy I kissed had a gap between his front teeth, which I thought was cute, and this guy didn't.
He had a different hair color and a different voice. He was even shorter than the guy I had kissed. I tried hard not to make it evident that I was confused, and when he went to the toilet, I Facebooked him and saw I was right.
When I confronted him, he just bailed. Like, got up and ran. I saw the guy I kissed about a year later, and he admitted he had given my number to this other guy.
He did so because the other guy complained that he had "cut his lunch." They both thought I had been drinking, so I wouldn't have noticed it was this other guy.
2. That Was Unexpected

A man sitting at a table with another person | Source: Pexels
u/natephant: The girl on my first date was not the same person as in her pictures. She looked a little similar but at least 50lbs heavier.
That's not what I mean by not being the same person, though. I am convinced she had a pretty sister/cousin and used that girl's photos for her profile.
She then orders BOTH of the most expensive entrees. I try to converse, but she barely speaks and gives one-word responses while shoveling food into her mouth.
We get to the movies, and I grab a soda. I ask the girl if she wants anything, expecting her to ask for candy or something.
She says she's starving and orders nachos, a pretzel, and a hotdog. Then, she loudly eats throughout the movie.
After the movie, she asks if I can drop her home. We met at the restaurant and walked to the movie theater. We had chosen the location because it was a halfway point, so she asked me to go in the opposite direction.
I drop her off, and she says, "I'd be alright if you tried to kiss me." I replied, "That's alright, have a good night."
3. Lucky Number 8

A woman looking suspiciously at a man beside her | Source: Shutterstock
u/jubipanda: A couple of years ago, I matched with this guy on Tinder that I was legit head over heels for.
He was exactly my type: tall, glasses, nerdy, curly hair, and we could talk for hours. I was seriously smitten. So, we finally decided to meet (I went to his apartment), and it was going okay initially.
We were watching anime together, and then we got intimate. I don't know, it was just so off, and I felt so weird about and I didn't know what to do because I was like, "No, no, no, this guy is what I envision my dream guy to be, things will work itself out from here." They did not.
After the weirdest kiss of my life, he proceeded to tell me he didn't want anything serious at all with me. Then, he tells me he has been going through some stuff and has slept with multiple women over the last week.
He had invited me over to be lucky number 8. But either he was not into me or felt terrible for trying to make me his number 8, so he decided we should just be friends.
He still made me dinner after that (amazing Japanese curry), and we watched some more anime until he was legit like, "Yeah, time for this to end."
But to this day, I will always remember this as the weirdest date/friend zone experience I've ever been through.
4. The Hearse

A woman crying | Source: Shutterstock
u/threadtoss: The guy I was seeing asked me if I wanted to get together one night. It's been nearly twenty years, I think, and I still remember what I was wearing: ripped pleather pants, fishnets, chrome jewelry, and my classy "Cradle of Filth" t-shirt with an inappropriate illustration.
I picked the guy up, and he said we needed to stop someplace first and gave me directions to a nice residential neighborhood.
We pull up to a house, and the first thing I notice is the hearse parked in the drive. Okay, cool, I love hearses.
The guy leads me into the house, where we are suddenly the focus of a large crowd of very solemn people.
Before I could figure out what was going on, my date burst into tears, literally pushed me into the arms of some guy, and ran into a side room where he threw himself across the body of an older woman.
I just stood there in shock until someone explained that my date's grandmother had passed away earlier that day, and the family had gathered to say their goodbyes before the mortuary staff took her away.
His family looked uncomfortable, the mortuary staff looked like they just wanted to leave already, and I wanted to sink into the earth and disappear.
One of the uncles handed me a piece of pizza and a soda and brought me to the backyard to meet the rest of the extended family. I spent two hours trying to make small talk with the family while doing my best to cover the front of my t-shirt with my arms.
They were very gracious, given the circumstances, but it was the most awkward two hours of my life. The worst part was that my date had known before asking me out that night and didn't bother to warn me.
5. I Got Catfished

A man sitting in a park | Source: Pexels
u/Mechhands: A Tinder match—she seemed pretty attractive, and we hit it off in a conversation. A few days later, I wanted to meet her as she seemed great and down to earth.
I suggest we meet at a park, go for a walk and then have something to eat afterward. She gets excited and says she knows just the place—a famous old bridge just north of the metroplex (Dallas). I was clueless but obliged since the Google pics looked like incredible history.
It's mid-day when I show up at the park, waiting around when someone over 50lbs heavier comes up to me asking me if I'm mechhands. It turns out I got catfished and good.
Not to be rude, I went for a walk because the bridge at least looked interesting. We're walking up to it, and the girl smells like she hasn't showered in a week. She's talking about something, but that Texas spring heat amplifies the smell.
We get to the bridge, and she tells me a story proving the bridge is haunted. She starts talking about how "Ghost Hunters" aired here once, and it was her favorite show.
She finds the location where someone on the show got "force pushed" by a ghost and then reenacted it... I kid you not.
I've had it. My patience and kindness are paid in full, and I'm going to get out of there. I tell her I have some work, but she doesn't let me go and tells me to give her a second.
She tries to jog down the trail like 30 feet, looks off the path, finds a branch, starts drawing in the pathway, murmuring something, throws something out of her purse, and looks around the trail like she's waiting for something. I freak out.
I ask what that was about, and she says, "I tried to summon the demon that haunts the bridge." I quickly head towards the parking lot, and I don't care if she follows. When I got to my car, she asked if I wanted to come over, but I refused and rushed back home.
6. The Never-Ending First Date

A man holding a woman's hand at a table | Source: Shutterstock
u/HokieSteel: I had just moved to a different state and decided to try out the online dating scene. I matched with a guy who seemed genuine, decent-looking and wasn't horrible in phone/text conversation.
We decided to meet at a restaurant to grab appetizers and drinks. When we got there, the conversation seemed great. The guy even looked like his picture.
Shortly after arriving, we ordered dinner because we were both hungry and had a rough day at work. He offered to pay.
Shortly after ordering, he grabbed my hand as it was resting on the table next to my drink. He proceeds to hold it and seems to have no desire to let it go. He then switches our conversation from work and friends to how he has baby fever. (We're both in our young 20s, mind you.)
He's still holding my hand. No amount of tugging will give him the message, and at this point, I'm beyond creeped out. Food comes. Thank heavens! I can finally get my hand back. Nope. Think again.
He wants to hold hands and eat at the same time. The waiter comes over and can see my desperation. I'm sure I'm sweating at this point, and my hand feels gross, and I'm awkwardly looking around for an exit strategy.
Then, the glorious moment happens. The waiter accidentally spills my wine on my date. My hand is finally free! My date rushes off to the bathroom to clean up.
The waiter looks at me and says, "I got you. Go now. I'll take care of it." I immediately got up, thanked him, and got out so fast I almost forgot my coat.
At this point, I had no clue what happened after I left, and I didn't care. I get a text later from my date that says how he hopes everything is ok. Ignore and block.
A day or so later, I got a message from a co-worker that someone was waiting in the hallway for me. (Where I work, you can only enter the building if you are an employee.) I think nothing of it and walk out to see who it is. I open the door, turn to see who's there, and yelp.
I must have had the biggest look of disgust and terror mixed with gas on my face. My terrible first date works at my company.
He reached out to grab my hand, and I yelled I'm infertile. He looked at me strangely without saying a word, and I used the awkward distraction to return to my office.
I got a message from him later that day on my work chat asking if I'd be interested in fertility treatments. I noped right out of that conversation and went directly to security. I never heard or saw him again.
7. I Hope You Don't Mind It

Close-up of a couple holding hands | Source: Shutterstock
u/DokterPrins: I went on a date with a guy who was really funny, okay-looking, and had an interesting job.
I am always willing to meet new people, so I said, "Sure, let's do something." When I spotted him at the station, he looked absolutely different than his pictures.
He was somewhat drooling, had an extremely lazy eye, and his face was full of zits. Also, the posture was horrible, like Quasimodo's.
The whole walk toward the activity, I came up with and paid since he was a very busy student. He was mean to everybody who walked past. I mean, full-on projection of insecurities.
This should have been a sign to turn around, but I didn't. I don't care if you look mediocre, but that guy was rude to literally everyone.
On the way home, he texted me, "Hope you don't mind it." I didn't understand what he was saying. Turns out, he was live-tweeting the whole date. All the complaining and whining included.
He had an entire following of people who read his bad-date stories. Also, he put the 'me' person as his persona. This lazy guy asked me out, not the other way around. He was catfishing me and let me come up and pay for everything.
8. Dirty Ice

A bartender | Source: Shutterstock
u/eddanja: There was this girl I had been trying to go out with for a while. We were unsure for a bit in terms of whether she was interested. Finally, we decided to meet up for drinks to have a date.
We go to one of my favorite spots where my friend is a bartender. He makes unique cocktails, which taste fantastic. This place is more of a fine dining restaurant, so the atmosphere is perfect for getting to know someone.
There was something weird about the way this girl was acting, though. She was louder than she needed to be and made strange banshee-like noises occasionally.
She did seem coherent enough to hold a conversation, though. I wasn't quite sure if she was already drunk or on something. My friend realizes this and pours her water. He also pours everyone else at the bar water to not single her out.
She gets extremely offended, looks at my friend, and says, "So you think I'm drunk? Is that it?" He replies with a curious smirk, saying, "I've actually poured everyone water."
She looks disgusted but turns away and continues speaking to me. On the side of the bar is a stainless steel open cooler (which looks like a sink) built into it. This cooler is filled with ice and various bottles of liquor.
She grabs some ice out of the cooler with her hands and proceeds to eat it. After about the third handful, my friend looks at her and says, "Please don't eat the ice out of my cooler. I can give you a glass of ice if you want. I need this ice for my bottles, and this ice is actually pretty dirty."
This, again, infuriates her, and she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she leaves, my bartender friend looks at me and says, "Get her out of here!" The date ended shortly after that.
9. No Response

A couple on a date at a coffee shop | Source: Shutterstock
u/cocoabuttersamurai: My FIRST date. With a friend of a friend, summer after junior year of high school. She suggested we go to a cute coffee house, and I thought it'd be perfect since we both love coffee.
Plus, being new to dating, I JUMPED at the chance to plan a whole day together doing "mini dates" since it seemed like we had a lot of chemistry before I even asked her out.
The coffee house she suggested was one where her former fling worked. She acted all embarrassed, like she didn't pick the location. I, being gullible, thought it was an honest blunder and wanted to continue with the day we had planned.
She was on her phone for a good chunk, but I ignored it. I realized it was a red flag, but I was so stoked to be on my first date that I didn't know I should expect better.
The next thing I remember, she asked me if I wanted anything else. I said no, I was just finishing my coffee and figured she was using that as an out to make a phone call.
Then, I look up, and she's talking to her former fling, then they walk out together. I thought they were arguing or SOMETHING else, so I gave her a few minutes.
I texted her something like, "Got lost on the way?" No response. Then, a few minutes later, I texted, "You ok?" No response. I paid for our coffees and left. I never heard from her again.
10. After the Date

A man using his phone | Source: Shutterstock
u/GardenerInAWar: I went to pick her up, and it seemed like all her Tinder pics were from ten years and 200 pounds ago. Not kidding.
But I decided to go on with the date because I'm already here, and I feel hungry, so let's give it a shot. At the bar, she orders one of those iced buckets of 8 beers.
I had one, and she had the other 7. At the restaurant, she eats all of her food and half of mine. Mean to the wait staff, mean to me about my clothes and hair, just brazenly rude.
I take her home, walk her to the door as movies had taught me, and fail spectacularly to dodge a very shrimp, tofu, and beer-tasting kiss. I say goodnight and go back home.
The following day, I wake up at 8 a.m. to an *already completed* entire string of messages that run a linear course of "Hey, hello, where are you, why aren't you answering, are you ghosting me, is this because I wouldn't put out last night, fine I see what a terrible person you are," and then she blocked me. I could not reply, so I thought that just took care of itself. Wrong.
A call comes in at the front desk of my work from an auto dealership down the road. Someone is trying to buy a car in my name, and they are double-checking employment.
I take the call, but no one speaks. Then, a woman says, "It's me." I replied, "Who?" She says, "The crazy girl. Can we please try again?"
She made up the car thing to get me on the phone. I told her what I DID but not WHERE I worked. So, she did some hunting and calling. I told her I couldn't talk at work but would call her later to talk about it.
I was afraid if I didn't hear her out, she would show up at my job or house or something. I called her after work, and she cursed and screamed at me for 2 hours on the phone for "punishing her with my bad decision not to date her."
I asked what she was trying to accomplish, and she literally said, "Once I convince myself this really was your fault, I'm going to hang up and block you, so it's fine. Just be patient." She did just that and was never seen or heard from again.
11. The Weird Date

A man buying movie tickets | Source: Shutterstock
u/stars0001: I've got a great one. I met a guy at a bar, and I almost canceled the date because I thought he was too young for me. The guy insists he's my age, and we go out.
He picks me up in his really nice car, and we go for dinner. Dinner is fine, although he's a bit boring. He's definitely a little younger than me.
We go to a movie, and he's distracted on his phone. He leaves the theatre, then comes back crying but pretends he's not crying.
I tell him it is OK to leave if something is wrong, and he says he has to go. I thought one of his grandparents had died. He says it's okay. The movie starts, and he leaves again.
He's out in the lobby talking on the phone, and I watch the majority of the movie by myself. Movie ends. Credits end. I go out and find him. He's still on the phone.
I motioned to him to wrap up the call. He finally does, still visibly upset. I ask for an explanation. It turns out he was arguing with one of his buddies and was trying to convince his friend not to sleep with his ex-girlfriend. I was so surprised.
I asked, "What?" Now, he's in tears. His ex-girlfriend was on the phone, too, and they were arguing. I ask why they broke up.
He admits to having had to go to rehab because his ex "posted some bad things about him on the internet." I am lost. He drops me off at home and thus concludes the weirdest date of my life. At least the movie was good.
12. My Date's Dad

A couple standing under a street lamp | Source: Pexels
u/k9shenanigans: Years ago, I met a girl at a bar. We exchanged numbers, and I called her a few days later. She invited me to a party at her dad's house the following Saturday, saying they were having a band and all kinds of good stuff.
I show up for this party, and there isn't much happening except for a few cars. My date answers the door, and I can tell she is intoxicated.
She takes me down into the basement, where the band is playing. The "band" is just her dad playing some guitar. They had a few friends over, and that was the whole party. Four people.
Her dad kept talking about some guy coming to the party named Pee-Wee Johnson, who wanted to meet me. I found a beer and was already planning my exit from this disaster when her dad ran upstairs to get the door. He says Pee Wee is here.
Next thing, her dad comes downstairs in a semi-naked inappropriate costume. He gets on stage (still naked) and starts singing again to the three people in the room.
I decided I had to get out of there. I noticed my date was gone, so I went upstairs to find her puking. I help her into a nearby bed and throw a trash can nearby. I stay with her for a little while to make sure she doesn't choke or something. She was in terrible shape.
About this time, a 12-year-old girl shows up out of nowhere. It was her younger sister. I wound up talking to this kid. It turns out she did martial arts, and at this time, I was a heavyweight champ.
We compared notes and knew some of the same people. I had more in common with her than my stupid puking date.
I soon got up to leave and pointed towards my now passed-out "date," who was still out of her mind, and told the kid, "Be smart. Don't wind up like this," and walked out.
13. Bowling Night

A group of friends at a bowling alley | Source: Pexels
u/ShineDownonMe12: I was new to the world of online dating. He and I messaged quite a bit and texted. We were getting along well. He told me all about the band he was in. I got excited and agreed to meet him to go bowling.
He wasn't my type, but I liked him for who he was. We get in line to pay with a couple of my friends (who he said could come since bowling is typically more fun with a group).
He sits down next to me, and his initial first action is to want to kiss me. I turn my cheek to him, and he doesn't act offended and pulls me closer. It was hot inside, so I went out to get some air.
We went outside, and he started smoking (something he never really mentioned) and said how he liked me, and I owed him a kiss. He puts out his cigarette and gets the mints ready.
After the kiss, he says, "I thought you wouldn't agree to hang out with me." I was confused, and he said, "I thought my crossdressing would make you not want to be around me."
He never mentioned his crossdressing earlier. He hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I'll send you some when I get home." Eventually, we stopped talking because I was "too weird for him."
14. She Had a Long List

A man sitting on a car | Source: Pexels
u/PM_Me_Your_Nacho: She was really superficial and vapid. She gave a list of what a "real man" should have to be with her.
The list was like the man should have a Mercedes or a BMW, wear a Rolex, have a suit, own their own home, have a condo in the city for weekend fun, own a boat, have an inheritance, and can't be more than two years older than her.
I was laughing in her face because she was an 18-year-old freshman in college and believed this was a prerequisite to date her.
We graduated recently, and she didn't date anyone during undergrad because no one was ever "enough" for her. Those prereqs were weird because she hadn't grown up in luxury. She grew up in a low-income county in our state.
15. The Walmart Date

A Walmart parking lot | Source: Shutterstock
u/crashbanecoot: I went on a date with a guy who was friends with my coworker. I guess he came through my line, but I couldn't remember him, so I looked him up on Facebook. In all the group photos, I couldn't tell which one was him, but I agreed to go on a date with him.
Our date was walking around Walmart while he got some stuff for a camping trip. He talked about himself a lot, and I wasn't attracted, but I decided to give it a chance.
He also bragged to everyone about being in the Navy, but he was medically discharged before he made it to basic training.
A few days later, he came to my work and wanted me to kiss him publicly. He got upset when I told him that it made me uncomfortable, and he was very argumentative for someone I literally just met. I cut him loose after that.
16. My Car Keys

Car keys | Source: Pexels
u/12thcenturyrobot: I went on a date from Tinder (my first mistake) and drove about an hour to meet her at her place. She looked nothing like her pictures.
We went out to get drinks at a popular bar, and during my first drink, after her second, she was already sloppy and a mess. I knew then I was going to stop drinking so I could drive home.
I just chugged water all night while she kept the drinks going despite my advice to slow down. I get her back to her place and mention I will use the restroom and then drive home.
While I was in the restroom, she HIDES my car keys. I walk out of the bathroom, and she explains that she is intoxicated, so I must be intoxicated, too, or else she will not let me drive an hour home.
After some discussion, I knew there was no getting through to her. She told me I had two options: sleep with her in bed or on her couch. I opted for the couch.
I lay there from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. and then woke her up and demanded my keys. I tore her apartment apart, looking for the keys, which were in her pockets the whole time. I left and blocked her right away. I haven't been on dating apps since.
17. At His Place

An untidy house | Source: Shutterstock
u/bellasuperstring: We met at his apartment to leave our cars and take the train downtown. When I arrive outside, he asks me to come up and that he is almost ready. He says the door is unlocked.
I open the door to find him just leaving the shower without clothes. His apartment is super dirty (like it has never been vacuumed), but you could tell he tried to tidy up.
In our prior conversations, he really focused on the fact that he had gone to a prestigious high school and college. We had mutual friends, so I didn't think he would be dangerous, etc.
I'm kind of unimpressed that he is "accidentally" naked. He half-heartedly apologizes and gets dressed in gym shorts and a t-shirt.
He says he is hungry and asks if I want to order a pizza before we go out. I say sure. We chat a bit, and he puts a sports game on.
Pizza arrives, and we eat. Then he looks at me, leans back on the couch, and says something inappropriate, takes his shorts off, hinting towards getting intimate.
I'm pretty appalled and tell him no and to put his clothes back on. He grabs his shorts and wears them, leaving his boxer briefs on the floor. As I get up to go, I notice large feces stains in his underwear. Wow.
18. I Couldn't Stop Laughing

A cat | Source: Pexels
u/LemmeGetSomeWater: I grabbed coffee with a woman I go to university with. I did not know her well, so I was trying to soak up information.
She paid for both of our coffees, which I immediately thought was awesome. However, our one-hour conversation was limited to 3 topics: 1) her ex-boyfriend/best friend, 2) her father that she cannot stand, and 3) the fact that she is the illegitimate love child of her mother's infidelity with Jeff Goldblum.
Points #1 and 2 were about how awful her ex and father are and how they each diminish her quality of life. #3 was mostly about how her mother should have left her father for Jeff.
This conversation lasted for what felt like an eternity until I said I must go. I drop the woman off at her apartment, and she invites me in.
I accepted, and immediately upon entry, I was greeted with a cat that was seriously 40 pounds. I fell on the couch and laughed for 5-10 minutes.
She tried to explain that he had an eating disorder, but I think she has a feeding disorder. Whenever I'd finish laughing, I'd look up at this little guy's spherical body and start laughing again. I went home shortly afterward.
19. He Didn't Want to Take It Inside

A busy restaurant | Source: Pexels
u/DutchBarnes: We were waiting for a table at the restaurant we met at. It was a lovely summer evening, and we enjoyed the conversation while waiting outside the front door with a few others.
The hostess opened the door and called our name. My date lifted his leg and farted so loud that other people stopped their conversation to look at us, and with a big smile on his face, he said, "I sure didn't want that going off inside!" I just turned and walked away.
20. She Needed to Use the Toilet

A toilet sign on a wall | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: My date said she needed to use the toilet as we walked down a back alley to the next bar.
Then, she pulled her jeans down, defecated behind a bin, then searched in the bin, and wiped with a sheet of newspaper.
I was totally infatuated with her after working with her for a few months, and in 30 seconds, it disappeared fast.
21. The Math Professor

A confused woman | Source: Shutterstock
u/Zatanna78: I was talking to a guy who was a math professor. He invited me on a date to an outdoor play where he played an "important role."
I show up and see it's a church picnic, and he was playing the devil. He introduced me to his family, and all they talked about was Weird Al music. They didn't listen to anything BUT weird Al.
Then his sister got on a loud tangent about why I went to a private school since, unbeknownst to me, he had told them everything about me and every conversation we had.
I faked an emergency to get out of there. Meanwhile, he wanted to take me to the state fair for a second date with his whole family.
22. The Golf Date

A woman holding a golf stick | Source: Pexels
u/yankstraveler: The girl was farting the entire time we were playing mini golf. Not stinky ones, more vocal.
I didn't think of it at first, but I noticed she was using the putter as a cane and tapping it hard on the ground when she farted. It was a weird way to cover it up. The tap was like half a second, and the fart was like three seconds. The date ended after the game.
23. We Played Dodgeball

A man holding a ball | Source: Pexels
u/Monpetitvulcan616: He invited me and a friend to play dodgeball with a group I had never met. We're having an okay time, and he's paying more attention to his friends, but that's fine because I've got my friend to keep me occupied.
We're hanging out in the parking lot before the first game starts when, out of nowhere, he grabs a ball and throws it at my crotch as hard as he can.
I immediately turn to my friend and ask her if she's ready to leave. I say goodbye to him and his friends and come home to texts about how "immature" I was behaving.
24. He Had Soup with Cheese

A bowl of soup | Source: Pexels
u/mramirez7425: We met on a dating app and ate dinner at the lamest restaurant ever. It was like a nursing home.
It was our first meeting where he told me about every health condition he had, along with gross details, while having SOUP with CHEESE stringing into his beard the entire time.
He never wiped his mouth once, then burped really loudly. I excused myself after he asked me to taste his soup. No thanks.
25. I Was Shocked

A plate of pasta | Source: Pexels
u/Aquafish14: We met at a restaurant for dinner and ordered some drinks and entrees. My date ordered pasta.
He began eating his noodles with his hands, like pulling the spaghetti over his face and dropping them into his mouth. My 2-year-old niece knows how to use a fork.
I was so shocked I said nothing and averted my eyes to the sports on the TV, asked for my dinner to be packed up, paid for my portion of the bill, and made an excuse to get out of there.
26. Somewhere Nice

A man driving a Mercedes | Source: Pexels
u/SkippyBluestockings: Online dating in your 40s is terrible. I met this guy online, and he kept bugging me to take me out to dinner.
I finally agreed, and he said he wanted to take me "somewhere nice." Now, I don't know about any of you, but when I hear "somewhere nice," that involves wait staff and tablecloths.
We agreed to meet in a well-lit grocery store parking lot and ride to the restaurant in his car. It's cool outside, so I wore a dress with tights and high-heeled boots.
He pulls up in a Mercedes, and I wonder if I'm dressed well enough for wherever we're going. We do the greetings, I get in his car, and he drives across the parking lot to the Taco Bell drive-thru. I am not joking.
I text my teenage daughter, and she tells me things like that only happen in the movies. Needless to say, there was no second date.
27. Her Message Explained Everything

A man using his phone | Source: Shutterstock
u/prfalcon61: I moved to Houston for a new job and didn't know anybody in the state. I decided online dating was a good route.
I worked on deep-water oil rigs in the GOM, so I'd match with the girls and use my time offshore to get that initial phase to warm up and get to know them.
That way, when I returned to town, we'd be semi-comfortable with each other. So I matched with this one girl, and we got along great, so we set up a date when I'd be back in town.
Fast forward to date night. I let her pick the place because I was relatively new to the area and decided to let her pick so she'd feel more comfortable.
We agreed to an 8:00 p.m. bar date, and I showed up at around 7:45 p.m. This girl had clearly been there for a while. She's pretty drunk, so I figure, "Nice, she enjoys a good time."
Fast forward two hours, and she can barely stand up. So, I asked if she wanted to go upstairs and relax (upstairs was the more chill zone, with lots of seating, calmer music, etc.).
So, we're walking up the stairs, and on the second to last step, she slips and her face plants into one of those "$10 bucket of beers" signs, so I call it a night, put her in a cab, pay, tip, and ask the driver that he makes sure she gets home safely.
At 9 a.m. the following day, I got a text: "I had a blast last night! I was sort of angry you left so early this morning, though.
She apparently met some random guy between the cab door and her front door and slept with him. She later apologized and asked if I wanted to try again for a second date, which never happened.
28. Her Phone

A woman using her phone | Source: Pexels
u/GATOR7862: Several dates in, and it's starting to get pretty serious with this girl. We had been spending weekends at each other's places and stuff.
She goes to the bathroom. She came back and had been texting. Her phone was in her hand. Then, she turned her body a bit to talk to the server.
As she turned, I saw her phone a bit and realized she had been sending inappropriate photos from the bathroom on our date. The name at the top of the text is her ex's.
I excused myself to go to the bathroom but instead just left. I left her with the bill and stranded her there. This was before Uber, when taxis were costly in Jacksonville.
29. She Spoke the Truth

A couple walking while holding hands | Source: Shutterstock
u/TaiTW: A friend set me up with a girl he knew. She was cute, funny, smart, and everything you hope for in a blind first date.
After spending most of the day with her, we ended up at this frozen yogurt spot. We talked for a bit, and she mentioned how much fun she had today.
Then she said how much her boyfriend would like this spot and that we should all hang out next week. I never asked that friend to set me up ever again.
30. The Awkward Date

Shadows of a couple walking | Source: Shutterstock
u/SmileySammie: I dabbled into online dating when I was single. This one guy refused to meet me inside the coffee shop. Stupid me decided, "I'll meet him outside anyway."
We walked around the little mall for a bit, chatting about our jobs and what he wanted to do after our little "date."
He ended up driving me home and showed me this Furby that he claims he likes to punch when he's mad. Then he suddenly said he wanted to get intimate. It's not really "worse," but it was definitely awkward.
31. He Didn't Like the Prediction

A woman holding cards | Source: Pexels
u/AshleighElizabethOx: He took me to see a psychic, who told him that we wouldn't last as a couple and would end up splitting up.
On the two-hour drive home, he cried and said he didn't see the point in dating if we wouldn't end up in a proper relationship.
I just wanted to get out of there, but to make matters worse, when he pulled up outside my house, he locked me in his van and wouldn't let me out.
For about the next three weeks, he watched me from his van and rang my phone continuously so I couldn't use it.
32. He Spoiled the Plot

A couple smiling while sitting together | Source: Shutterstock
u/napqveen: I was on the third date with a gorgeously giant linebacker. He was smooth and had good intentions. We finally got to his place, and instead of initiating anything, he explained (spoiled) the entire "Naruto: Shippuden" plot.
Meanwhile, I was sitting on his bed waiting for him to stop talking, but he spoke about Naruto for over 30 minutes. Also, I wasn't allowed to play the stupid Naruto game on the PlayStation that had sparked his sermon because it was "so complicated," and I had to "learn the combos first."
When he finally tried to kiss me, my patience had ended, and I just went home. To this day, I'm still in awe of that man's obsession with anime.
33. He Was Uninterested

A couple talking in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock
u/surgeonette: The guy showed up drunk. He told me for half an hour straight how terrible his life was, how he had a hangover from the night before, and how he had to go partying again, although he didn't want to.
He didn't ask me one single question about myself and was utterly uninterested. Needless to say, I did not join him when he went to said party. I went home instead. When I arrived home, he had already unmatched me on Tinder.
34. She Knew Everyone

A man looking suspiciously at a woman | Source: Shutterstock
u/SisterStereo: I witnessed an awful first date a few years back at a coffee shop. The woman knew a lot of people in town, so she kept getting up and having conversations with everyone who walked in.
She would introduce the guy to each person but then return to the side conversation and leave her date staring at his cup of coffee.
After a while, she asked him if he wanted to go to a bar next, and he said, "No...no. I think I'm going to go." She got upset and sounded very sad, and begged him to reconsider. It was sad to watch. He did end up leaving.
35. The Physics of Ice Skating

A person ice skating | Source: Pexels
u/CleverChoice: In college, I went ice skating with an engineering student who had never done it before. I don't know many tricks, but I can ice skate and break freely, and he was hanging on the handle the whole time.
I tried to convince him to let go because he won't learn otherwise. I even held his hand, but he was rather stubborn. He told me during the session how he had read the physics of ice skating the night before but realized it wasn't helping him.
We went to a café afterward, and he started saying how ice skating is so stupid, unlike chess, which has a specific purpose, and then shunned me for other likes of mine.
Going on a date with someone you haven't ever met is risky, but these folks weren't afraid to meet a stranger. They had no idea their meetup would become the worst first date of their lives. Have you ever been on a terrible first date? We would love to know about your experience.