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A bride | Source: Flickr

Girl Thinks She’s Marrying Poor Loader until She Sees What Ring He Puts on Her Finger – Story of the Day

Ebunoluwa Soneye
Nov 09, 2023
09:40 A.M.

Flora's fiancé Charles cheats on her two days before her wedding. Angry, she picks someone on the street and marries the same day. Her parents warn her about him, but Flora doesn't listen. That same day, Tom disappears, and Flora isn't sure he's ever coming back.


Love stories are widely known for their happy endings, but I didn't think I could ever get one after I caught Charles cheating on me with my best friend.

I was over the moon with only two days left to the wedding. I had a spring in my step, and I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.

Charles and I have been together for two years, and although we've had some problems, it wasn't something we couldn't handle.

Charles was rich, the kind of man my parents wanted for me, but on my part, I couldn't help but feel more excited about the wedding itself.

I had done my wedding dress fitting twice to ensure it was exactly my size. I even constantly daydreamed of standing at the altar with Charles by my side.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


The next day was the wedding rehearsal, and I needed to get my dress. Charles offered to get it, and I agreed, but at the very last second, I changed my mind and chose to get it myself.

Margaret, my best friend, was with him, so I saw nothing wrong in meeting up with them while I tried on my dress one last time in the designer's store.

"Good afternoon," I greeted Violet, the owner, in a cheery tone that conveyed my joy at being there.

"Oh, good afternoon, Flora. I can see you're looking forward to the day," Violet responded, and I vigorously nodded to show that she was right.

"I saw Charles and Margaret follow Bella to the back. She's probably packing it up for them," Violet continued, referring to Bella, one of the girls who worked for her.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Thanks, Violet," I said as I walked away and headed inside the store, making my way to the dressing rooms at the back.

I expected to see them when I got there but was slightly surprised to see an empty waiting area.

I was about to head back to ask Violet the number of the dressing room they might have entered when I unexpectedly heard a loud ruffling of clothes.

Curious, I headed toward the noise, knocking before touching the door handle to pull it open.

"Don't- don't come in!"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It was Margret's voice, and she sounded a little out of breath. Her tone was slightly off and agitated.


Any other person, and I might have hesitated but didn't as I instantly pulled the door open.

"Are you—" I began to ask, worried that something had gone wrong, only to freeze at the unexpected sight before me.

Margaret stood half-dressed in a white wedding gown I recognized as my own, and Charles stood beside her frantically trying to zip his pants back on.

"Margaret," I whispered her name softly under my breath, almost like I was trying to confirm that she was indeed the one.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

Guilt was boldly written on every part of her face as she lowered her head on the verge of tears.


Charles' face was covered in lipstick stains that told vivid tales of what had happened in the room before I busted in.

I was shocked, but Margaret looked even more alarmed than I did, as she immediately ran out of the room the second I looked at her.

I didn't think of running after her as she ran off; instead, I shifted my attention to Charles, whom I was to marry in forty-eight hours.

"It's an accident," were the first words out of his mouth. On his face was a smug expression instead of the remorseful look I expected to see.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (LoveBuster)

The least I expected him to do was to hear him wholeheartedly apologize, but he didn't; instead, he said absolute nonsense.


"Truthfully, Flora, I don't know how it happened. She wore your dress, and I was caught in the moment, but I promise it won't happen again."

"Are-are you serious right now?" I stuttered, shocked at the nerve he had to say such nonsense in front of me.

"Flora, it was nothing but a mistake. It won't happen again. Are you going to let this affect our relationship? We're getting married in two days."

I could only shake my head as I stared at him like he had grown another head on his shoulders.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"What wedding? After what you did, do you think I will still marry you?" I asked him as I watched him continue to adjust and straighten his clothes without a care.


"Flora, we both know you don't have a choice. After all the time and money your parents invested in the wedding, will you embarrass them in front of their friends?" Charles asked me, and I felt the urge to slap him to wipe the smug smirk off his face.

"Even if the wedding holds, I can simply marry someone else that isn't you," I told him, only to see him toss his head back and openly laugh at me.

"He-he, where could you possibly find another groom in two days?" he laughed, mocking me with his eyes.

Without thinking much about it, I instantly responded with all the annoyance I felt at his snarky replies.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Two days, more like two minutes."


He was right about my parents not wanting to cancel the wedding, but at the same time, he underestimated how determined I was.

I would rather die alone than marry a cheater.

The moment I was done speaking, I turned around and walked out of the store right into the streets.

I was prepared to ask a thousand men if it was what it took for me to find someone willing to marry me. At that point, marrying any other man in the world was better than marrying Charles.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

The moment I got out of the store and on the streets, I began to look around.

I looked around me when I saw a young man heading towards me with a crate of fruits in his hands.


He looked pretty good even though his clothes were ordinary. I watched him walk closer than before, and just as he was about to pass me and walk away, I blocked him.

Stepping right in his path, I ignored the shocked expression on his face and instantly began asking him questions.

"Are you single? Would you like to make a hundred thousand dollars right now?" I hurriedly asked, a little peeved to see the man take a while to respond.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I needed to know if he was the one or if I needed to keep looking for a new groom.

What I was doing felt ridiculous, but I refused to overthink it. All I wanted was to remove any possibility of marrying Charles.


"I promise to give you a hundred thousand dollars if you marry me," I told the stranger again, glad to finally hear him respond after a few seconds.

He had a confused look on his face, which slowly turned into one of delight the longer he stared at my face.

"You want me to marry you? Now?" he asked, most likely trying to confirm whether or not I was serious about what I said.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

It was either him or someone else. I already made up my mind, and at that moment, it didn't matter to me.

"I'll marry you," he finally said, giving me the answer I desperately needed to hear.


"Okay, then we should—" but I didn't get to finish when I felt a tight grip around my wrist, hard enough for me to writhe in pain.

"What exactly do you think you're doing!" Charles' loud voice boomed beside me as he glared at me and gripped my wrist tighter.

For a split second, I couldn't bring myself to say anything as I tried to jerk my hand away from him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Hey, get away from my future wife!"

I was stunned to see the stranger I had been talking to drop the crate in his hand and jump between me and Charles.

Pushing Charles back with enough force for him to let go of my hand.


"Flora, this is stupid! Your parents will never allow you to marry a stranger you picked up from the street!" Charles yelled at me, but I didn't spare him a glance.

Instead, I focused on the kind stranger who didn't hesitate to step in front of me and protect me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I instinctively knew that if it were Charles, he would never have done such a thing. He cared more about himself than anyone else.

"Flora, there's nothing you can do. The marriage will hold, and you'll marry me!" he continued, but I was past caring about whatever he had to say.

"Tell me, how will a cheater like you stop me?" I asked with a smug look on my face, the same one he had when I caught him cheating on me with my best friend.


The thought of staying there any longer upset me, and I reached out to grab the hand of the stranger in front of me.

I didn't know his name, but I already decided he was the perfect groom from the little he showed me about himself.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Let's go," I told him, pulling him a little to get his attention and stop the glaring contest between him and Charles.

He nodded and bent down to grab the crate of fruits he had been carrying before holding my hand to leave.

I could hear Charles' laughter from behind as we walked away.

"You can run, but you can't run forever!" he shouted at me, and I quickened my steps a little more, dragging the stranger I met along with me.


We had been heading towards a different path, but hearing Charles' voice from behind made me change our direction.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Where are we heading to?" the young man, holding a crate in his hand, asked me, looking at me with a gentle look. It was nothing like the way Charles looked at me.

"To the town hall. We're going to get our marriage license," I replied as I looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction.

If it was too much for him or he wasn't up for it, the faster he informed me, the better it would be for us.

What he did next surprised me as I watched him smile and nod his head as he continued to walk beside me.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"My name is Tom. I'm not sure, but I heard that man call you Flora. If we're going to be married, I should at least know your name."

"Yes, my name is Flora; it's nice to meet you, Tom," I beamed at him, beyond glad that he agreed to the marriage proposal, even if it wasn't conventional.

He wasn't dressed in an expensive outfit, but he had a handsome face and a great personality, one I didn't want to lose.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


He held my hand as we walked side by side and headed towards the town hall, where we would get our marriage license and be married in the eyes of the law.

It was the only option I could think of. There was no way my parents could force me to get married to Charles if I was already married to someone else.

The process barely took half an hour, and we walked out of the building as a married couple.

Unable to get proper rings, we got plastic ones that served the purpose we needed them for.

All my burdens were gone, and I couldn't stop smiling as we headed to my house.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


It was the one I was to share with Charles and everything I had had already been moved there before the wedding.

I eagerly pulled Tom towards me as I headed towards the door.

"We might as well get this part over with," I told him, but the words had barely left my mouth when I saw him stop in his tracks.

On his face was an unwilling expression that greatly bothered me as I wondered why he was hesitant to go into my house.

"We're already married. The difficult part is already over. All that's left is for us to—"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (LoveBuster)

"No, Flora," Tom said, interrupting me before I could finish what I was saying.


"We can't–What I mean to say is that you're beautiful, and any man would be proud to have you. We don't have to rush to consummate—"

At that point, I couldn't continue to watch him speak with a straight face anymore, as I chuckled loudly at the innocent look on his face.

"Con-consummate?" I said, doing my best not to laugh even more as I repeated the words he used.

"I brought you here to help pack my things to a hotel. What were you thinking?"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

Seeing his cheeks turn red from the second-hand embarrassment he felt when I explained why we were in my house was a rare sight.


I didn't overthink it as I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for the compliment," I whispered before putting more distance between us.

Yet, even after I had done so, the only thing I could think of was how nice he smelled and how nice it would be to do it again.

Flora, what's wrong with you? I mentally scolded myself, feeling my cheeks grow warm as I turned away from him and focused on the door.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I walked in with visible excitement, prepared to leave the house and anything that linked me to Charles the second I picked up my things.

But I had barely taken a couple of steps into the house when I stopped, shocked to see the people waiting for me in the living room.


"Mom," I was shocked to see her sitting there with a slightly cold aura around her.

"Dad," I called out to him, surprised to see him look even more pissed off than my mom was, but I didn't need to look far to know the reason why.

Standing a few steps away was Charles with an arrogant grin.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

He had both his hands in the pocket of his pants, and he looked even more excited as his gaze looked past me and landed on Tom.

"Just like I told you, the man behind her is the man she picked up on the street who she plans to marry instead of me," he informed my parents.


It was clear that he was confident that I would have no choice but to bend to their will, but unfortunately for him, even If I wanted to, I couldn't.

My mum was the first to speak as I watched my dad boil in anger as he stood beside her.

"Flora, tell me this is not true. The wedding is in two days, and all our relatives are coming. What would they think if they saw this–this man standing beside you?"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Love Buster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Love Buster)

"Charles cheated on me," I quickly told them, a little outraged to hear my father's response to the information I just gave him.

"Yes, but you also made a huge mistake by bringing this man home. I'll pay him off, and the wedding with Charles will go as planned," My father ordered, and at that moment, I was glad to have married Tom.


"I can't marry Charles. I already married Tom today," I proudly told them, showing them my marriage license.

I was beyond satisfied to see the astonished expression that flashed across Charles' face the moment he saw it.

My parents were just as stunned, and my dad made his displeasure known.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"What? Flora!" he yelled at me, and even my mom looked vastly disappointed.

"You'll divorce him today and marry Charles in two days!" My dad instructed, but I responded by stubbornly shaking my head.

"I'm never going to marry Charles," I told him, and at that point, it was apparent that whatever patience he had entirely ran out.


"Flora, from now on, all your cards and funds will be frozen! You won't even be able to pay for public transport if you refuse to divorce him," he told me.

His voice was loud and aggressive as he made his stance very clear.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I looked over at my mom, who didn't spare a glance at me, making it crystal clear whose side she was on.

Anything else, and I would have stubbornly continued to refuse, but without money, there was no way for me to pay Tom the money I offered him.

Without me having to do a thing, he would leave and divorce me without batting an eye.


My vision blurred as tears welled up in my tears, and I realized that I had no option but to do as they asked.

"Flora, be reasonable. We're doing this for your good. The only reason that man is with you is to exploit you," Mother began to gently say while referring to Tom, who continued to stand behind me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Divorce him and marry Charles. He already apologized, and he won't do it again. As your mother, I assure you you'll have a great life with him."

I could already feel my perseverance waver as I looked over at Charles, who now had a sincere look on his face compared to before.

"Who's going to take care of you, Flora? Without any money, how will you take care of yourself?" Charles asked in a caring tone that made me want to distance myself from him even more.


Regardless, the reality I found myself in remained the same. At that point, I was prepared to accept the deal they offered.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Tom, I can't pay you, so it's fine. You can just—" I began to say on the verge of tears, only to watch Tom, who had been standing behind me all the while, step forward.

I watched him stand before me and boldly speak to my parents in a way that I greatly admired. I couldn't resist the urge to smile as I heard the words he said.

"Flora is now my wife. I can provide for her without anyone's help," he boldly said words even I wouldn't dare to say.

Before I could think of what to say, I felt him gently pull me toward the door.


I wasn't reluctant to follow him as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I didn't know exactly where we were going or what we would do, but from the tenacious look in his eyes, I could tell that he meant every word he said to my parents.

"You don't have to worry about them. Only do what will make you happy. You're the one that's going to have to spend your entire life with a partner," he said as we walked hand in hand in the streets.

I followed him quietly until we got to a fancy restaurant, not particularly surprised to see him go through the back.

It was the same restaurant where Tom dropped off the crates that had been in his hands before we went to get our marriage license.


In the back were stacks of crates, and I instantly realized that he brought me to the restaurant where he worked.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Do you cook, or are you a waiter?" I curiously asked him, seeing the full fruit crates on one side of the wall.

"No, I just like to buy the fruits and check them myself," Tom responded, and I thought nothing more of it as I leaned into the chair I sat on.

I couldn't help but think of how I was going to survive. At least Tom had a job, but I didn't.

"You don't have to worry. You can help around in the restaurant, too," Tom told me, reaching out to touch the deep creases on my forehead that had formed from frowning.


"Really? Then I could get paid too, and maybe I'll be able to survive for a while before I get something better."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I quickly jumped on my feet, rolling my sleeves up, curious to see how heavy the crates were and if it was a job I could handle.

But I had just lifted one of them off the ground when my legs wobbled, and I realized that I was about to fall.

Thankfully, I felt Tom grab the crates from behind me and stack them on another box, managing to keep me on my feet at the same time.

"Thank you. For a second, I thought I was going to fall," I told him with an embarrassed look.


I could have broken the crate and gotten him in trouble with his boss.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Instead of hearing him speak, Tom was silent, and I couldn't help but turn around to face him since he stood right behind me.

I had just turned around to face him, my eyes staring into his own, when I felt the shift in the air.

His hands around my waist sent a tingle through my skin as I realized how close he was to me.

He smelled nice, and I felt the urge to lean closer, but before I could consider it, Tom did, tilting his face closer to mine.

"When I saw you, for me, it was love at first sight," he whispered to me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

His voice was low, and feeling his warm breath against my face, he was all I could think of.

Before I could think of what was right or wrong, I felt my lips brush gently against his own.

I was too far gone to think twice about my actions and was about to do it again when I felt nothing but air where Tom's face had been.

"I-I have to go."

I was stunned to hear him unexpectedly open his mouth to say right after the romantic moment we just shared.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


"What do you mean you have to—"

"Wait here, Flora. I promise I'll be back."

That was the last thing he said before he left. I was a little dazed as I watched him run off without knowing exactly when he would return.

An hour passed, and I realized just how difficult waiting was. It felt even worse not knowing if Tom was coming back.

By the second hour, all I could think of was when exactly he would return as I waited and waited, wondering when the waiting would be over.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

I then wondered if it was simply a plot on his part to disappear and leave me after I failed to fulfill my end of the agreement.


For all I knew, he could have gone to my parents' house to accept the money they'd readily offer him to divorce me.

A few minutes later, I got on my feet and headed to the parking lot of the restaurant to see if it was possible to see any signs of Tom.

I could feel tears in my eyes as I looked around and saw no traces of him.


I instantly turned around when I heard my name, expecting to see Tom.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

But that was before I recognized the voice and saw Charles standing behind me with a worried look.


"Flora, I've been looking for you everywhere!" He said in such a gentle tone, one I would have believed in if I hadn't seen him cheating on me with Margaret.

"You don't have to; I'm fine without you," I instantly responded as I lowered my gaze to the ground.

The last thing I wanted him to see was the tears on the verge of sliding down my cheeks.

"We both know that's not true. I don't see your lover anywhere. Has he abandoned you?"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

"Mind your business, Charles! I don't care what you say; I'm never going to marry you," I told him, trying not to think of the hopelessness of my situation.


It didn't help that I felt significantly hurt by Tom's betrayal as two hours later, it quickly became apparent that he had indeed abandoned me.

If he didn't care, then there was no reason for him to pretend to. I felt more hurt thinking of how easily I trusted him when, all the while, all he cared about was money.

"Flora, look around you; it's already late. Are you going to sleep outside on one of those homeless cardboard boxes? You have no money," Charles told me.

I tried my best to ignore him and stood my ground, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't help but think of some of his words as I heard him continue to speak without stopping.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


"There's no way you'll be able to survive the night, much less the rest of the week. The guy you got married to is nowhere in sight, and it's clear that he just wanted to use you."

"Your Mother was right, and the faster you divorce him, the better for you."

After hearing him speak for a while without responding, I finally raised my head to look at him.

I didn't expect him to look at me with eyes filled with care and love the same way he looked at me throughout our two years together.

At that moment, I couldn't help but wonder if Charles kissing Margaret was indeed a mistake.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


Could it have been an accident that happened in the spur of the moment?

It didn't help that my livelihood and survival now depended on returning to my parents since I had nothing but the clothes on my back.

Maybe I could go back to my parents and convince them to postpone the wedding, I thought, even though deep down I knew it was nothing but a delusion.

My parents would never agree because they cared more about their image in society and the way they would be perceived than the well-being of their daughter.

"Flora, there's no reason to think more about it. You have no one else but me and your family, and you know it. I promise to take care of you," Charles said, and I knew he was partly right.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


The only reason I dared to leave the house after my parent's threats was because of Tom, and now that he was gone, I had no one else.

I took one final look around to confirm that Tom wasn't coming back before I agreed to leave with Charles.

He stretched out his hand towards me for me to take. After hesitating for a few seconds, I took his hand and agreed to follow him.

Walking behind him, I followed him to his car with a gloomy expression and tried not to think of anything.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I didn't want to think of the wedding, and most of all, I didn't want to think of Tom, who suddenly got up and left.


After waiting for hours, I initially believed he left for a reason, only to realize that his reason for leaving was me.

"Get in the car," Charles told me as we approached his car. I had just taken a few steps closer to the car when I spotted someone in the front seat beside the driver's seat.

The windows were a little tinted, and it was difficult to see exactly who it was, but I'd known Margaret, my best friend, for too long not to be able to recognize her even in the dark.

"What is Margaret doing here?" I asked him, stopping right in front of the car without showing any intention of entering the back seat like he told me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


Charles seemed reluctant to answer the question, and I was unwilling to drop it.

"Charles, what is Margaret doing here?" I asked again louder as I glared at her through the glass and Charles himself as he walked towards me.

"She's your best friend and chief bridesmaid. We were looking for you together. She also wants to apologize for what happened," Charles explained, saying whatever he could convince me to get in the car.

"There is absolutely nothing between us. Flora, trust me," he continued, but I suddenly realized that not only did I not trust Charles, but I also didn't want to be around him any longer.

"I don't trust you, and even if you're telling the truth, I don't care about you anymore."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


"Are you serious? Will you become a beggar on the streets?"

Gone was his kind disposition, and in its place was the regular aggressive behavior he usually displayed whenever he didn't get his way.

Slowly, I put some distance between us, one he quickly closed as he moved towards me with an enraged expression.

"In two days, we're getting married whether you like it or not," Charles yelled, trying to grab my hands and pull me towards him.

"Why do you think I've been working so hard in your parents' company if not for the future CEO position? We both know that you're not up to the task."

I was shocked to hear what Charles admitted and was still processing what he meant when I felt him grab my left hand to pull me closer to him.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


"If I could have my way, we'd be married this very instant!" he yelled as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Let go of my wife!" a familiar voice shouted from behind me, and I couldn't help the excitement I felt seeing Tom move right between me and Charles.

Instantly, he separated him from me, protecting me by standing between us.

At that point, I felt tears in my eyes again, but they were more from the joy I felt than anything else.

The realization that Tom didn't run away made me the happiest person on earth as I watched him turn around to look at me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(LoveBuster)


He gently grabbed my wrist, speaking to me in a kind tone that showed how much he cared for me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

All I could do was shake my head and smile as I stared at his face, trying to engrave every part of him into my memory.

"Why did you take so long? I thought you weren't coming back," I told him as I felt him gently caress the slightly bruised part of my wrist.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would take long to find what I was looking for." Tom instantly apologized, but I didn't care since I forgave him the second I saw him jump in front of me.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)


I nodded and was about to speak when I watched him get on one knee and bring a small box out of his pocket.

He snapped it open and brought out a small ring, one I couldn't take my eyes off. He then grabbed my hand and slid it into my finger instead of the plastic one there.

"I want only the best for my wife."

"Di-diamond," I stuttered as I stared at the ring on my finger. I had gotten enough diamond jewelry over the years to be able to tell what it was the moment I saw it.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)

Hearing my shocked admission, even Charles stepped forward to stare at the ring on my finger.


"That's impossible! Where did you steal it from?" he asked, glaring hatefully at Tom, who proudly smiled as he got on his feet and pulled me closer for a hug.

I, myself, was extremely curious to know how he could afford something that looked so expensive since he worked in a restaurant.

"Tom, where did you get this? Can you afford it? I thought you worked in a restaurant?" I was worried that he went out of his way to spend his entire life savings on the ring.

"The restaurant we visited belongs to me. Like I told you when you asked, sometimes I enjoy getting some of the fruits myself. It's a hobby I enjoy,"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(Lovebuster)

I was beyond shocked to hear Tom's response but was even more excited to see how furious Charles was to hear Tom's words.


"There's no way someone dressed like you could own such a big restaurant," Charles said, but I completely ignored him and focused more on what Tom told me.

"You're my wife, and I promise to take care of you to the best of my ability," Tom assured me, pulling me into his arms for a kiss, one I accepted and willingly responded to.

I heard the sound of Charles' car in the background as he drove off, but I paid no attention to him. My focus was on Tom, my husband, who I was sure cared a lot about me.

We left the parking lot, and I quickly learned how rich Tom was. He didn't wear expensive clothes, and although his house was small, it was beautiful.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Two days passed quickly, and the day of my wedding arrived. My parents called repeatedly, but after ignoring their calls throughout the day, by evening, I decided to pick it up.

I was sure that by then, there was no way for them to force me to the wedding they arranged.

Over the phone, they were frantic and worried, which was the only reason I told them where I was.

"Flora, why didn't you pick up your calls? We were so worried about you?" My mom ran to hug me when she got out of the car, and my father wasn't far behind her.

He, too, had a worried expression on his face.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Charles promised to bring you back but didn't. Do you know how worried we were when you didn't come back home?" My father said with a grumpy expression on his face.

"I thought you said not to return home if I didn't agree to marry Charles. Truthfully, I thought you cared more about your image than me," I honestly told them how I felt.

It was painful to hear my parents say all the things they spoke with such severe expressions on their faces.

"It was nothing but a mild threat. We thought you were about to marry a bum you found off the streets, but now we know that Charles isn't good for you," my mom said, hugging me tighter than before.

"No matter what, you'll always be welcome back home. We thought Charles was good for you, but we were wrong," My dad added, and as he continued, I could tell that he was speaking from the depths of his heart.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"We found out that all he wanted was a stake in our company, and he didn't want you when he went ahead to marry Margaret, your best friend."

I could feel the anger in my dad's voice when he said it, but I was done caring about Charles. Quickly, I brought them into the house and introduced them to Tom.

My dad was impressed by his achievements, and my mom was even more excited to see the ring he gave me.

I assumed that Tom and my parents wouldn't get along for a while, but a few months later, a wedding was arranged. Since we were already married, I was okay with a small ceremony, but Tom insisted on a bigger one.

"Tom, do you take this woman to be your wife, love her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked Tom, who grinned happily at me before responding.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I do," he instantly responded, and I smiled just as much as he did when it was my turn.

"Do you take this man to be your husband, love her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?"

At this point, the answer was obvious.

My love story was a little crooked, and I even lost a groom on the way, but I was glad to get the happy ending I wished for.

"I do," I finally responded, waiting patiently for the officiant's next words.

"—You may now kiss the bride."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


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A young, reserved woman has started a new chapter in her life by going to university. The lady came out of her shell by making new friends until she learned she had more in common with one person she had just befriended, leaving them both "speechless." Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com

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