Student Makes a Pass at Female Professor – Story of the Day
Jack flirts with Olivia, his professor. He is confident that with his father's connections and the Dean's backing, no one can stop him from getting what he wants. But things change when Olivia sets him up. He is utterly unprepared for the consequences of his actions.
Professor Olivia stood there, a mix of disbelief and frustration etched on her face as she faced Jack, her student.
The atmosphere in the room crackled with tension due to Jack's daring attitude and apparent lack of concern for the gravity of the situation as he confidently handed in his test.
His bold and mischievous grin hinted at the flirtatious exchange about to happen.
"Where is your test, Jack?" Olivia asked with a stern tone and an unwavering gaze.
Undisturbed by the moment's seriousness, Jack pointed at the paper he had given Olivia.

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"This is my test," he declared, his voice carrying a hint of arrogance as his eyes locked onto Olivia's, challenging her to react.
"Don't you like it, Olivia?" he asked; the suggestive undertone in his voice made it clear that he was not just talking about the test.
On the test paper was a vibrant drawing of two people engaged in a passionate kiss in the space where his literary essay should be.
Olivia's eyebrows instantly squeezed together in disbelief as she found it difficult to understand the courage it took for him to do such a thing. However, she quickly composed herself and reminded Jack of the professional boundaries they needed to maintain.
"I'm 'Professor' Olivia to you!" she snapped her stern rebuke, a sharp reminder of the respect she expected from her students.

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Still annoyed by the drawing on his test, she angrily tossed it back to him.
"I can't accept it." The drawn image on the paper left her both exasperated and bewildered, evidence of Jack's blatant disregard for her and her job as his professor.
Unbothered by Olivia's displeasure, Jack continued his flirty antics.
With a suggestive grin, he proposed a more daring proposition. "Miss Olivia, might I suggest a more interesting exam?" he asked as the flirtatious glint in his eyes doubled in intensity.
His proposition bordered on being explicitly inappropriate as he continued without a care in the world.

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"For example, we could play a love scene from Romeo and Juliet, maybe an adult version," Jack said as his eyes wandered over Olivia's body, his intentions clear and unsettling.
"Okay, that's enough, Jack!" Olivia firmly stopped him, not wanting to hear anymore. The last thing she wanted was to entertain more of his coy remarks. The line between academic and personal boundaries had been crossed and torn down, but Olivia was determined to build it back up.
"I'm your professor, and you're not allowed to talk to me like that!"
However, Jack, unfazed by Olivia's stern demeanor, played his final card.
"Miss Olivia, do you know who my father is?" he questioned, a hint of underlying threat in his words, attempting to use his father's influence to get what he wanted, although Olivia wasn't easily swayed.

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"Do you want to upset him?" Jack added, his tone laced with an intimidating undertone.
Olivia, however, remained resolute, standing her ground against his attempt to manipulate her through his father's connections.
"Don't try to scare me, Jack!" she responded, the annoyance she felt boldly written on her face as she watched him turn around to leave.
In a split second of hesitation, she found herself calling him back.
"Jack, wait!"

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He looked like he was leaving in a rush, only to turn back around the second he heard her voice instantly, but this time, Jack had no intentions of backing off as he went ahead to close the tiny space between them confidently.
"Okay," he whispered, his tone shifting to gentler. "I'll give you one more chance. I know you want one." A sly smirk plastered to his face as he toyed with Olivia's patience.
"It's so sad to see such a young, beautiful, and very lonely professor without her Romeo," Jack slowly said, reaching out to caress the tips of her hair with his fingers.
The insinuations in his words were unsettling, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a mixture of discomfort and anger.

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"But unlike the play, I'll give you a happy ending," he declared, leaning in to kiss her lips.
Olivia immediately pulled back, getting more frustrated by Jack's unexpected actions.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm out of patience," she told him with a severe look on her face as she moved away from him with unwavering resolve.
"You failed your final exams, and I will let the dean know everything about your harassment," Olivia warned, her tone severe, but Jack responded with a dismissive laugh as if the consequences held no weight for him.
"You underestimate the power of the dark side, Miss Olivia," he replied, insinuating sinister consequences if she dared to follow her threat.

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His reference to the 'dark side' added a subtle layer of absurdity to the situation, but Jack seemed convinced of his ability to manipulate the outcome.
"If you will not kiss, then you will meet your destiny," Jack declared ominously as he left Olivia in the empty lecture hall.
Alone, she couldn't stop thinking of the challenging situation she unexpectedly found herself in.
In the hours following Jack's unconventional test submission, Olivia, still troubled by the encounter, decided to report to Professor Robert, the college dean.
Nervously, she approached his office, knocked, and waited for permission to enter.

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"Professor Robert—" she said, calling his name when she entered his office.
"Just in time, come in!" Robert interrupted her. "I need to talk to you, Professor Olivia."
Olivia, a little surprised by the urgency in his tone, nodded and moved closer to take a seat, horrified to see Jack already casually seated.
Without paying any attention to the surprised expression on Olivia's face, Professor Robert, with a severe expression, spoke to her in an admonishing tone.

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"Why did you give an F to young Mr. Jack here?"
Olivia, undeterred by Jack's presence, confidently responded.
"Jack failed his finals, and I gave him exactly what he deserved." She replied, explaining in detail that her grading was based on his academic performance and not influenced by her personal feelings.
Professor Robert was unconvinced, staring at Olivia with furrowed brows.
"There must be some misunderstanding. Jack is an excellent student who's always on the dean's list," he told her with overwhelming confidence.

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"I think we can fix this, can't we, Professor Olivia?" Professor Robert continued, hinting at a desire to resolve the situation.
Olivia began to feel uncomfortable, realizing there was more to the situation than she had initially thought. Feeling uneasy, Olivia wasn't sure what he meant by "fixing" things.
Is it me, or is he also in on it?
Before Olivia could respond, Professor Robert turned his attention to Jack, speaking directly to him.
"Young man, you may go now. I'll take care of everything," Robert assured Jack, who responded with a carefree smile as he got up to leave.

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Right before he walked out the door, he sent a smirk at Olivia, which made her even more uncomfortable than before as she watched him smirk at her. A heavy tension hung thick in the air as Olivia watched him leave with a dazed look.
"I hope so." His last words lingered in the air as he left, leaving Olivia alone with Professor Robert.
When Jack was gone, Olivia wasted no time declaring exactly where she stood, "I'm not changing his grade. To top it off, he harass—"
"I insist, Olivia, try to let go of your feelings and be objective."
Undeterred, Olivia handed over Jack's test paper, on which he had drawn an intimate scene of a woman and man kissing.

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Olivia was confident that he would side with her the second he saw it, only to be astonished to see him rip the paper into two when she passed it over.
"Jack's father is the primary donor to the university. He holds considerable sway on us, including our jobs," he reminded her.
"He's the wealthiest man in the city. Without his annual donations, our entire literature department more clearly would not exist." He continued, informing her of the financial implications of not treating Jack better.
"Do you want to give an F to his son?" The threat of the consequences for Olivia and the entire literature department loomed like a shadow over her.
"Professor Robert, if Jack continues to do what he–" Olivia said, trying to voice her concerns about Jack's behavior only to be silenced by Robert's forceful outburst.

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"Look, I don't want to hear about it anymore!" he declared, dismissing any rational discussion about the consequences of ignoring Jack's improper behavior.
To make her see reason, Robert brought up a familiar adage.
"You read a lot, so you should know that it's unwise to bite the hand that feeds you!"
"Today at five o'clock, George, Jack's father, is coming to inspect the library renovations he paid for," Robert explained with his gaze fixed on Olivia, who could not get a word in.
"Don't forget the books. You wanted more books for your students, right? Thanks to Mr. George, you now have them," Robert said with a severe look.

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"God forbid his son should get an F in literature." Robert sighed heavily, like a massive burden on his chest, as he spoke to Olivia, who was speechless, unable to come up with something to say in response.
"If you value your position in this department, you'll make an appointment with Jack and let him retake the exam," he said, leaving little room for negotiation as he openly threatened her job before sending her out of his office.
Once she returned to her office, Olivia found Jack waiting, a mischievous smile on his lips.
Suppressing her anger, she maintained a blank expression as she handed him a new question paper, silently offering him another chance to redeem himself.
She expected him to take it, especially since he was in his final year, and there was no way he would be okay repeating a year.

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He'll retake the exam and graduate, and I can put everything behind me.
To Olivia's surprise, Jack shook his head and lightly shrugged, refusing Olivia's offer.
"You know I'm not gonna do that," he stated, a smirk lingering.
Olivia, curious and somewhat exasperated, couldn't help but demand to know the reason. "Why not?"
With a sly expression, Jack countered with his question instead of responding.
"You need me to pass the exam. I'm not going to do that."

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"Don't be stupid, Jack! Grab your pen, write your answers, and we are done," she yelled, her voice much louder than before from her overwhelming frustration.
Unfazed by Olivia's stern tone, Jack shrugged and stared at her in his usual flirty manner. "Unless you're ready to be my Juliet—" he began his words hanging in the air.
"Settle down, Shakespearean love. That's never going to happen," Olivia interrupted before he could say more with a cold look on her face that bordered on disgust.
A spark of anger flashed across Jack's face. Gone was the gentle behavior he portrayed as he quickly moved to threats.

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If I can't seduce you, then I guess I have no other choice but to make you bend to my will with force.
"What a shame!" He sighed with a mocking look as he turned to walk away. "I guess I'll just have to tell the dean that you didn't let me take my exam then," Jack said as he slowly began to walk toward the door.
In a desperate attempt to stop him, Olivia shouted his name before she could consider if it was the right thing to do.
"Jack!" Olivia yelled his name again, instantly regretting her actions when she saw him turn back to face her.
A dark and mischievous glint was visible in his eyes as he boldly smirked at her and walked closer to her.

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"Call me Romeo. You know you have no choice." He warned her, his eyes roving all over her body sexually.
"Stop messing around!" Olivia yelled at him, but her words were instantly ignored.
Instead, Jack, walking closer to her, prepared to push more boundaries.
"I've been looking forward to this. I listen to every class, and I've read works of great poets," he leaned in and whispered in her ear the moment they were barely a step away from each other.
"You are so sexy when you teach, and I know you fantasize about being in all the stories. If you give me a chance, we can make some interesting stories together," he suggested, his fingers caressing her hair as he leaned in for a kiss.

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Olivia was visibly uncomfortable, but instead of pushing him away like she had previously done, she smiled and unexpectedly nodded her head.
"Okay, but not here. I know a quiet place."
Surprised by her shocking response, Jack grinned widely as he had just won the lottery.
It pays to be persistent. I knew a little push was all she needed.
In another part of the University was George, Jack's father, walking close beside Professor Robert.
George, a benevolent benefactor, gracefully smiled as he entered through the door of the university library, his heart abuzz with anticipation. He had been there before and couldn't wait to see the change the dean promised he would see.

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Hopefully, the change matches my donations, George wondered, prepared to be disappointed at the results he was about to see.
"Wow! This is amazing," George marveled, his eyes dancing across the well-organized shelves that stood as evidence of the careful allocation of his generous donations.
The library, once a quiet repository of books, had metamorphosed into a vibrant hub of learning, radiating the essence of George's commitment to fostering knowledge and education.
"I'm glad to see all my donations weren't made in vain," George told Robert, who followed behind him with a sense of fulfillment, acknowledging the profound impact of his charitable actions in the university.
The shelves, now adorned with a diverse array of books, showed the quantity and the quality of George's contributions.

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"Yes, sir, and I assure you I oversaw everything personally," Robert jumped to respond.
Robert's response was more than a mere acknowledgment. It was a promise to uphold the integrity of George's vision and ensure that every penny he received was used correctly to improve the educational tools at the university.
Among the literary books placed on the shelves, George's sharp eye caught sight of a particular volume he found interesting.
"You even got a book on Cary Grant. What a selection you guys have!" George exclaimed, appreciating the library's efforts to cater to different book interests and tastes.

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The presence of that specific book showed Robert's personal touch in creating everything new in the library.
I'm glad he likes it. It took a lot to find the books he wanted and get them, Robert thought to himself, happy to see the satisfied expression on George's face.
George continued walking around the library's vast bookshelves, personally inspecting for any oversight, when he heard Professor Robert speak abruptly from behind him.
"Sorry! I have to take this call," He said, excusing himself and leaving the second. George nodded and gave his permission.
The call was important enough for him to leave George, whom he considered very important, alone in the library.

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Knowing Robert's personality, George also realized that the call was most likely an emergency and quickly allowed him to leave while he continued looking around.
The library was yet to be opened to the students, and his footsteps echoed through the aisles as he proceeded to do the final checks himself.
Robert seemed to be taking his time, and George, when he felt he was done checking the first floor, slowly moved upstairs to continue while he waited for Robert to return.
George had just gotten upstairs, picking the first book his eyes landed on and running his hands through the new pages when he suddenly became aware of two individuals entering the library.
It wasn't the gentle sound of the library door that drew his attention but the familiar voice of the young man he heard after the door was swung shut.

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When he looked down to see the newcomers, George didn't know what he was expecting. It was certainly not his son's face as he watched him walk in with a female professor he was slightly familiar with.
"Yeah, it was a great idea to come here," Jack declared with a huge grin, looking around the empty library with intense satisfaction.
He had previously doubted Olivia even after she agreed and had been suspicious, but seeing the quiet place she brought them renewed his faith in her.
The complete emptiness of it made it the perfect spot for them to have future romantic meetings. He fixed his gaze on her, a little impatient to enjoy their first time together.
"It's so quiet here; no one will bother us, my Julia," he whispered, moving toward Olivia, intending to kiss her lips.

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"Jack!" Olivia yells again to stop him from approaching her like before. She could already see the hungry look in his eyes and had no intention of serving herself on a silver platter.
"Listen. Romance aside, if you want to pass this course, you must change your attitude!" She told him, still trying to convince him to change before it was too late.
Who knows what his father would do to him when he walks in and sees how he's acting? Olivia wondered, knowing it was why she dragged him to the library.
"Of course, of course," Jack whispered back in a husky tone, ignoring her words as he inched closer than before without heeding Olivia's warnings.

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"Jack!" Olivia raised her voice as she backed away, doing her best to put more distance between them the more he tried to close it.
"Softly!" Jack continued to whisper boldly to her. His eyes fixated on her chest with confidence. Jack was convinced they were alone and saw no reason to hold back.
He even went as far as to playfully quote Shakespeare, "What lies through your yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet the sun." He flirtatiously said while licking his lips.
"Stop it!" Olivia yelled and demanded when she realized things were becoming more heated than expected.
George was nowhere in sight, and it soon became apparent that Jack had no intention of letting her go.

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"I want to leave!" she told him, but he continued to use his body to block her path, quoting Shakespeare with reckless abandon.
"She speaks. Speak again, my bright angel," Jack said with a predatory grin.
We're alone, and there's nowhere to hide. You can scream all you want, but no one will listen.
"Jack! I'm warning you!" Olivia yelled, alarmed to watch him lean closer than before until they were merely a few breaths apart.
"What for?" Jack asked, pretending to be clueless about what Olivia wanted.
"Get your hands off me!" Olivia shouted louder, frustration evident in her voice when she felt him place his hands on her.

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Jack continued to disregard her pleas, and his nonchalance only scared her the more she tried to push him away even more.
"No!" she yelled, determined to assert herself in the face of Jack's unwanted advances to the very end.
Amidst the shelves, George, who had been quietly going through the books, suddenly became aware of a disturbance downstairs.
At first, he had ignored them, thinking nothing more of their presence in the library, but after listening for a while, he realized how complicated it was.
He continued to watch for a while to ensure he understood what was happening before he finally decided to intervene. Startled by his son's actions, he raised his voice from behind the shelf he was standing at, demanding a severe explanation from his son.

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"Hey! What's going on here? What are you doing?" George asked, rushing out to unravel the mystery of whatever was happening downstairs.
Hearing his father's voice was enough to scare him from continuing down his intended path as he quickly backed away from Olivia.
He still wondered if he had possibly imagined his father's voice until George arrived beside him, shocking Jack, his son, beyond words.
"Hi, Dad," was all he could mumble, seeing how angry his father was, a hint of guilt on his face, as he faced his father and looked away from Olivia.
On the other hand, Olivia didn't hesitate to speak to George with a relieved look as she turned to him.

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"Sir, your son—his actions are very inappropriate. He—uh—" Olivia stumbled over her words, trying to explain what happened, unable to ignore the discomfort she had just experienced from his son as she talked to the father.
What if he's also just like his son? He has money, and it wouldn't cost him anything to blame me for seducing his son or trying to pay me off. He could even fire me, she wondered, not knowing what to say.
"It's okay, Professor," he comforted her before immediately turning to his son.
"Jack, you should be ashamed of yourself!" George rebuked his son, showing his disappointment towards Jack's actions.
On the other hand, Jack looked a little guilty that he had been caught but didn't regret his actions as he settled into a chair, prepared to listen to his father continue to yell at him.

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"Stand up when I'm talking to you!" George yelled at him, his voice echoing all over the empty library in a way that even Jack couldn't continue to ignore as he hurriedly got back on his feet.
"For God's sake, I didn't put you in school so you could harass professors!" He continued yelling at him, embarrassed that his son would have the courage to do such an immoral thing.
At first, Jack kept quiet and bowed his head a little to the ground as he listened to his father scold him, but soon, he could no longer stand still and was yelled at.
"She wanted it!" Jack said the moment he found the opportunity to speak. A shocking response that only increased George's dissatisfaction with his son.
George, taken aback by his son's audacity, was even more determined to set things straight.

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"No, she didn't."
"No means no, son! Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean you can do whatever you want," George yelled at him.
If he felt that speaking calmly to Jack would help, George would have done so, but he didn't think so as he stared at Jack, wondering if it was too late to impart such crucial lessons about respect and boundaries.
I spent most of my time traveling and making money and barely spent time with him. This is partly my fault.
Robert, the dean, who had previously left to pick up an urgent call, soon arrived on the scene after hearing raised voices from outside where he had been.

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"What happened? I heard shouting," Robert asked, surprised to see Jack and Olivia in the library and, above all, George's angry face, unlike when he left him.
"Exactly what I told you before. Jack is harassing me," Olivia responded, bringing the dean up to speed with the ongoing issue.
Robert's face paled a little as he realized what Olivia had told George for him to look so livid.
"Exactly what she told you before? You knew about this, and you didn't do anything? You kept your mouth shut?" George shouted, directing his frustration at Robert.

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Robert froze. A wealthy man with a conscience? Man, I'm in trouble!
Amid the tense confrontation, Robert stammered as he tried to justify his actions in front of George, who was visibly furious at his son's inappropriate behavior.
"Sir, I would never let this–but he's your son," Robert stammered, struggling to find the right words to explain the delicate situation.
"Just because he's my son doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants!" George angrily responds, his frustration evident as he shifts his attention to Jack.
"Stand up!" George commanded, fixing his gaze on Jack, who again sat down, annoyed at all the unnecessary drama around him. Unlike before, he showed no remorse and a little defiance as he responded to his father.
"I'm standing!" Jack yelled back at his father, jerking away from his grip as George reached out to touch him.

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George was beyond pissed.
"I'm yanking you out of this school, and I'm putting you into a military academy!" He announced, doing his best to hold back from using his fists to knock some sense into his son, something he had never done before.
Before, he had only considered it, but the moment he said it, George was sure that nothing could change his mind. He was convinced it was the only way Jack could learn the discipline he had failed to instill in him as his father.
"If you slack there, even if you don't study, at least you're going to learn discipline and serve your country at the same time," George continued, determined to make his son into a better man than he currently was.
"Come on, Dad," Jack pleaded, slightly panicking as he realized his father might be serious about what he had just said.

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For a split second, he couldn't help but toss a glare at Olivia, who turned away and completely ignored him.
"You've got to learn respect, and you have to learn how to be a real man. Go wait for me in the car!" George ordered Jack, his son, in a tone that left no room for discussion.
Jack hesitated for a few seconds, but George's glare made him comply as he left to wait for his father in the car. He planned to try to change his mind when they were alone.
I can still change his mind if I act obediently, Jack thought as he walked out of the library.
Now facing Robert, George maintained a stern expression, unwavering in his commitment to addressing the issue, especially since Robert was a part of it.

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"As for you..." George said, turning to face Robert, his tone laced with disappointment and frustration.
"You almost destroyed everything I spent years building at this university," he continued with deep disappointment etched on his face.
"This could have turned into a huge scandal. Children have to be stopped at the start," George said, emphasizing the need for swift and decisive action to prevent such incidents from escalating.
"You know, I'm seriously starting to doubt your capabilities as the dean of students," George accused, questioning Robert's effectiveness in maintaining a safe and respectful environment within the university.
"I assure you, Mr. George, I—" Robert began, attempting to defend himself, but George unexpectedly cut him off with a stern command.

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"Shut up! Come Monday morning, I'm calling a meeting with the board of trustees, and I think I know a good replacement," George declared, leaving no room for further argument as he turned to look at Olivia, who was surprised to see George turn his attention toward her.
"—that is if she'll accept," George added, a glimmer of hope in his words as he extended an unexpected offer to Olivia.
"Thank you, Mr. George. I appreciate it, but I want to teach. There are so many more qualified candidates," Olivia replied, attempting to decline the offer gracefully.
"No, all these years, you've shown integrity and dedication to the university and your profession. Most importantly, you've upheld your principles," George acknowledged.
"That's not easy to find these days. I'd be honored if you accepted my offer. Please, I'm asking you to come work with us," George pleaded, redirecting his focus from Robert to Olivia, completely ignoring the dean's presence.

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Understanding the sincerity of George's request, Olivia thought about it for a few seconds before choosing to align herself with a cause she believes in.
"Welcome aboard," George declared with a grand smile, expressing his satisfaction at securing the commitment of a sincere and honest individual for the university's future.
That same week, Jack found himself in a military academy, one he had begged not to go, only for his pleas to be ignored entirely.
By four in the morning, he was dragged off his bed, and he wasn't allowed to return until his bones threatened to break from the intense exercise or punishment they were forced to do.
The only benefit is that the school still has a few pretty women, Jack thought as he fixed his eyes on a petite woman who looked shy.

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Unlike the other women he saw around the campus, she looked easily bullied, and Jack was determined to make her his.
He didn't have his father's connections or any money he could use to woe her, but he believed that his good looks and persuasive tone were more than enough.
Barely a month after he resumed the academy, he decided to initiate his plans.
"My name is Jack. I have some spare time and noticed that you're a little busy. I don't mind helping you out," he said, introducing himself.
"Thank you so much. My name is Jane," she responded with a smile, instantly accepting his offer.
She was assigned to the kitchen, and unlike other tasks that ended a little early, hers sometimes went far into the night.

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They were in the kitchen, and it was already getting late. Jack was sure they would soon be the only ones left there, and he was prepared to make his move when he saw the opportunity.
In the meantime, he talked with her, and Jane didn't notice his bad intentions towards her.
About half an hour later, they finished the dishes, and Jack watched Jane slowly get ready to lock up.
'Thank you for your help! Without you, I would have had to spend at least an hour more," Jane said, thanking Jack as she saw him arrange the cleaning tools they had used.
He's such a nice man, she thought as she made her way slowly to the door, hearing him follow from behind.

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The last thing she expected was to feel a heavy grip on her waist pull her back.
"I helped you out of the generosity of my heart. Don't you think I deserve a kiss?" Jack asked, prepared to give her a kiss she would never forget. One that would make her forever his.
The last thing Jack expected was to feel his back hit the ground right before he was bombarded by heavy punches he couldn't avoid.
How can such a small hand throw such heavy punches?
By the time it was over, tears ran down his face as he swore never to do such a thing again.

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The matter escalated, and when George heard about it, he ordered his son to be punished more. The thought of withdrawing him from the academy didn't once cross his mind.
That same week, after putting everything in place, George fulfilled his promise by convening a meeting with the board of trustees to remove Robert as Dean.
The atmosphere was tense as the potential consequences of the recent incident loomed over them all.
George, determined to address the situation decisively, presented his case for a change in leadership within the dean's office.
"Members of the board, we stand at a crucial juncture in the history of our university," George began, his tone severe and persistent.

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"The recent incident has highlighted a failure in our leadership, and I believe it's time for a change."
He had previously explained all that happened without hiding his son's involvement and saw no reason to hide the Dean's involvement.
He continued, articulating his concerns about handling the situation and the need for a dean who can uphold the values of integrity, accountability, and a commitment to fostering a safe learning environment.
"As the founder of this institution, I must ensure that our students are provided with the best possible educational environment. I propose a new appointment for the dean of students position—one who embodies the principles we hold dear."
His speech was a little long, but the moment he was done, he instantly presented Olivia as the candidate of choice.

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The board listened attentively, considering the gravity of the situation and the proposed change.
Although surprised by the unexpected turn of events, Olivia stood to the side, prepared to contribute positively to the university if the position was given to her.
After thorough deliberation, the board reached an agreement.
George's proposal was approved, and Olivia was officially appointed as the new dean of students. The decision was met with anticipation and uncertainty as the university braced itself for a new era under Olivia's leadership.
In the following days, Olivia assumed her new role with a sense of purpose and dedication. The transition was marked by a series of meetings with faculty, staff, and students to foster open communication and rebuild trust within the university community.

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George, pleased with the positive change, took a step back from the administrative responsibilities, allowing Olivia to lead.
Olivia, determined to make a difference, implements comprehensive programs addressing issues such as harassment, diversity, and inclusion. Workshops and awareness campaigns are integral to the university's commitment to fostering a safe and respectful learning environment.
As Olivia settled into her new role, she faced challenges but remained steadfast in her dedication to effecting positive change. The library, now transformed into a symbol of progress, echoes the footsteps of students engaging in discussions, seeking knowledge, and actively participating in the collective effort to reshape the university's culture.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels
The board of trustees was beyond impressed with the positive impact of Olivia's leadership, and George was also proud of the transformation Olivia had managed to bring about. Though he missed having his son around sometimes, he knew he made the tough but right call.
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A cheating husband is shocked when his wife is released early after serving most of her prison sentence and shows up home at their door. He concocts a dastardly plan to get rid of her, which blows up in his face when she makes an unlikely ally. Here's the full story.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com