They put a newborn puppy with a bunch of kittens. Watch mama cat's reaction to baby
Human beings could definitely draw inspiration from this story.
An article published by We Love Animals took a closer look at a viral video that showed a rescued puppy bonding with a mother cat who was assigned to nurse it.
The incident took place in Detroit, shortly after the puppy had lost his mother in a car accident. The little Chihuahua named Bobby had to be kept around other animals in order to find comfort.
When an elder animal was needed for giving Bobby some motherly affection, the only animal available was a tabby cat named Gwen.
The video showed Bobby feeling at home with a little of kittens, who appeared happy to be cuddling with him. But the sweetest moment was when Gwen and Bobby interacted.
Dogs and cats are not known to be the best of friends, however, the video captured an exceptional depiction of bonding between the two species.
Bobby can be seen nuzzling up to the mother cat just like she was his mother. And Gwen’s response to his need for comfort was very heartening. She reciprocated with acceptance and love, pampering the little puppy.
Bobby can be seen playing with a shiny toy and also nibbling the ears of one of the kittens.
The video also shows the inclusion of Bobby into the clan of his new siblings. They played with each other without any qualms, and Gwen displayed her motherly instinct when she unhesitatingly nursed the little brown puppy.
Bobby was rescued by a small team of rescuers when he was just 2 days old. The Michigan Humane Society took Bobby in and have been thrilled about him finding a new mother.
One of the volunteers at the institute stated that Bobby will be given all the care necessary until a loving home adopts him.
The video received a lot of attention owing to the cuteness of the animals, however, it has also been viewed as an inspiring story.
The fact that two species of animals who have their differences can still overcome them and bond like a family has been highlighted by many viewers, with the afternote that humanity, being a single species, should learn to overcome their differences.