
Mother shares her reaction after her daughter was born with Down syndrome

Mar 15, 2018
03:20 A.M.

A mother always knows when something about their pregnancy is off, and this mother knew this one felt really different.


This couple from Texas wanted to keep their baby's gender a secret to have a big surprise, but that wasn't the only one as Amadeus Reign Rojas was born with Down Syndrome.

Amber Rojas, her husband Fernando, and their four children were feeling ready for a new family member coming their way.

According to Aweita, she thought this one felt different from the others, and although Fernando thought it was because of the gender secrecy, Amber’s intuition proved entirely correct when Ami was born.

The mother instantly realized that her baby girl had Down syndrome during a water birth documented by the photographers of Birth Unscripted.


Amber explained that she was waiting in the water for approximately five minutes before the long-awaited baby arrived.

"Next thing I knew, my sweet baby was in my arms and I had so many emotions; and as soon as I looked down, I saw it. I saw it on my baby's face. I thought to myself… my baby has Down syndrome," she said.

While examing Amadeus, the midwife told Amber her daughter had some typical Down syndrome signs, and Amber knew she was right from the start.

After a week at the hospital, Ami's Down Syndrome diagnosis was finally confirmed, as the Rojas family was excited about their new member.

Rojas says she received full prenatal care through her midwife’s agency and regularly received sonograms at a local hospital, claiming that her 20-week sonogram detected no signs of risks for a heart defect or Down syndrome.

Amber and Fernando want to learn as much as they can about Down syndrome so that they can provide as much love and support for their daughter as possible.

"We didn't care that she had Down syndrome because we were all obsessed with her and all her chromosomes!" the mother explained

According to Amber's claims, at the end of the day, she is their baby and they are a family, as they don't see her diagnosis o her label, they see Amadeus Reing Rojas.

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