Man finds litter of puppies in backyard, soon realizes they are a different spieces altogether
Craig McGettrick is the owner of a delivery, cleanup, and removal service in England. While working in a local garden, he made a strange discovery.
In March 2017, McGettrick was removing rubble from the garden when he found five abandoned puppies under a mattress. Their mother was nowhere in sight.
As reported by Goodfullness, McGettrick realized he needed to save the puppies. He gathered them in a box and took them to the Freshfields Animal Rescue.
But before he said goodbye to the puppies, he took photos of them which he shared on social media. The images soon went viral and caught the attention of Mark Hemmington.
Hemmington is the founder of National Fox Welfare Society, and he informed McGettrick that those weren't puppies, they were fox kits!
The kits were too young to fend for themselves, and a local expert, known as Paul The Fox Man, was called in to save the day. The decision was made to reunite the kits with their mother.
Paul said there was a possibility that the mother would return to the garden if she heard her kits calling out to her. And they would cry when the hunger pangs became unbearable.
The kits were returned to the local garden where they rescued from. Paul waited in his vehicle nearby, camera charged and ready.
The video of the happy reunion was uploaded to Facebook, and the clip had been viewed more than 260,000 times since it was shared with the community.
The mother can be seen cautiously approaching the box. Once she realized her kits were safe, she carefully picked one up and carried him away.
She then returned to carry the four remaining kits, and the entire rescue mission took less than a minute. Everybody involved was overjoyed that their hard work paid off.