
Video shows woman eating a pizza slice while walking away from a fatal crash

Mar 26, 2018
12:03 P.M.

The woman had some clearly defined priorities.


Jumble Joy reported the reaction of one woman when she witnessed a car crash in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

Car crashes are common on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. But there was something different about this deadly accident.

What made the tragic incident especially strange was the actions of a woman. She was spotted on camera doing something unthinkable.

The accident occurred at 5:26 pm on a Sunday night when a Chevrolet truck jumped the curb and ran straight into three people who were walking on the sidewalk.

30-year-old Victoria Nicodemus was hit hard. She was sent sprawling and ended up underneath the truck.

The accident was caught on surveillance cameras. When the police examined the footage, they were left fuming not only because of the terrible accident but because of another woman in the footage.


The woman was seen walking past the scene of the accident only a few feet ahead with a slice of pizza in her hand.

She did turn around to look when she heard the crash, but did nothing about it, deciding instead to just eat her pizza.

She was seen looking at the accident a couple of times and was clearly able to see the woman sprawled underneath the vehicle. She turned back to her pizza and continued to devour it.

Others on the street rushed to help Nicodemus and the two other pedestrians, a 37-year-old and a 75-year-old. The three were pulled out from under the truck and rushed to a hospital.

Victoria Nicodemus passed away, while the other two survived with a few injuries.

Marlon Sewell, the driver of the truck, was arrested for getting behind the wheel without a driver’s license or insurance.

As for the woman eating pizza, she walked away without any harm to herself. Though she did not commit any crime, only failing to lend a helping hand, she was at the receiving end of a lot of angry comments on social media.

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