
Michelle Obama flaunts gorgeous legs as she wears the same $4,200 Gucci dress twice

Mar 24, 2018
08:12 A.M.

- AmoMama learned from BET about Michelle Obama, the former first lady of the United States of America, who rocked an expensive Gucci dress twice already.


- The wife of former president of the United States of America, Barack Obama made an appearance wearing an expensive dress twice but looked stunning on both occasions.

- Recently, this diva had her portrait moved by Smithsonian due to the high number of visitors, who wanted to see the portrait at all cost.


Michelle Obama looked stunning in her expensive dress, and her lovely legs were on display, but everyone is wondering why Michelle rocked the dress twice.

The lovely ex-first lady graced an occasion for women recently organized by BET.

It appeared that Michelle Obama still had her ‘girl talk' in her as she showed up for the occasion, her long beautiful legs looked gorgeous and talked with the women in the room.

She explained how hard somethings were for her, but having a fellow woman's support was everything she needed and wanted and hoped for.


She shared with the wen the reasons why she was nothing short of them and everything like them in every way.

She made it a point of duty to tell the women that they were all equal, and she could never see them as inferior.

The above statement was explained by the choice of outfit Michelle Obama had on, on the day of the occasion.

It was the second time she had appeared in that same dress, and everyone was more than proud of her.

That same Gucci dress was worn at the Ellen DeGeneres show in September 2016.

Everyone loves Michelle as she has been known to be a great source of inspiration to women all over the world.

She had recently had her portrait given enough room by Smithsonian.


They say that the crowd of people who were eager to see Michelle Obama’s portrait, you could not find in a church.


Due to the high number of people who came to see the portrait, it was moved to the third floor of the galleries' building for enough room

The museum has received a large number of visitors since the portrait became a part of it, and the number increases every day.

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Source: BET

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