Hungry teen offers to help carry groceries in exchange for food, received more than $200K
A teenager named Chauncy Jones made a trip to a store in a rich area in the hopes of finding someone who would buy him some food. But he wasn’t expecting a hand-out.
According to Positiv.Share, the teenager was willing to help carry out the good Samaritans groceries. Fortunately, Jones met someone who changed his and his mother’s lives forever.
Jones, 16, is a straight-A student who lives with his mother. He was trying to get a job to help his mother make rent, pay bills and buy food.
While looking for someone who could, at least, buy him food, he came across Matt White, a man from Memphis who was shopping at Kroger. Jones approached White and asked if he could carry his bags to his car in return for a pack of glazed donuts.
White decided to give Jones and his mother, Barbara, more than just a small breakfast. On Facebook white shared about meeting the teen saying that he’d met the most inspiring person ever.
White shared that Jones looked like he had been turned down 100 times. He looked ashamed, hungry and broken and White agreed to get him some donuts.
The good Samaritan took the boy on a shopping spree where they bought things like cereal, chips, frozen veggies, pizzas, Cheetos, melons, pasta, peanut butter, milk, soap, toothbrushes, and just a little bit of everything.
“I asked him if he was by himself and he said that he had come all the way out here with the hopes of someone buying him something to eat because he and his mother had nothing at home. He had no phone, a bus pass, and he was depending on the graces of a stranger to feed him within the hour before the bus left.”
During the shopping, they talked about how Jones was trying to get a job to help his mother pay the rent. The teenager kept calling himself poor, but he told White that one day he was going to be wealthy and own his own businesses.
He also envisioned himself helping other people in his neighborhood and buying them groceries the same way that White did. White gave him a ride home so that he wouldn’t have to take the bus.
When they got to his house he was truly humbled as Jones and his mother had nothing. They didn’t even have beds or furniture and were sleeping on pads made out of sleeping bags.
The two only had two lamps and nothing in their fridge. His mother was sweet but very fragile and she seemed to have some sort of physical and/ or mental disability that made her shake and made walking difficult.
As White was leaving, he gave Jones a hug and told him how much God loved him and that he was going to grow up to be an incredible man. White then created a GoFundMe page to raise money so that Jones could purchase a lawnmower.
The story went viral and the page raised over $300,000. White updated the page saying how God had provided them a home, a car, a new school, and Barbara’s health had been restored.
Every dollar donated to Chauncy’s Chance was put into a protected trust that would provide them with a secure future for decades.