
Never going back to that doctor again.' Very awkward gynecologist visit that turned out wrong

Apr 06, 2018
04:55 A.M.

It is imperative that people take extra care while visiting the doctor.


Shared reported that a woman was due for an appointment with her gynecologist, but it turned out to be one of the most awkward visits.

A woman had a doctor’s appointment later in the week. But that soon changed when she received a call from her gynecologist’s office.

Her appointment had to be rescheduled for that morning at 9:30. The woman, who had just packed everyone off to work and school, was shocked when she saw the time – it was already 8:45.

She quickly made some calculations. She would need 35 minutes to commute to the doctor’s office which meant she had 10 minutes to get ready.

Though she generally takes a little extra effort over hygiene, especially when making such visits, the lack of time meant she had to rush through it.

She hurried upstairs, threw off her pajamas and took the washcloth that was right next to the sink.

She wet the washcloth to give herself a quick wash in the area. The least she could do at the time was make sure she was presentable to the doctor.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

The woman threw the washcloth in the clothes basket, put on the same clothes, jumped into her car and raced to the doctor’s office.


She was glad she was on time and did not even have to wait for long before being called in. Being aware of the procedure, she hopped up on the table. She looked over at the other side of the room and pretended she did not exist in the hospital.

When the doctor made a comment, she was taken aback but chose not to respond.

She heaved a sigh of relief when her appointment ended and she rushed home. The rest of the day was spent as usual, with some shopping, cleaning, and cooking.

Her six-year-old daughter came home and was playing when she called out from the bathroom and asked for her washcloth.

The mother, lazy to go around looking for it, asked her daughter to get another one from the cupboard. The little girl replied that she needed the one she had left by the sink, which had all the glitter and sparkles saved inside it.

That is when the doctor’s words rang in her ears, “My, we have made an extra effort this morning, haven’t we?”

That precise moment she decided to never go back to that doctor again.

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