
Scary video captures the moment a man slips something into a woman’s drink

Apr 11, 2018
03:29 A.M.

While massive parties can become part of a young person's life, women have to be extra cautious these days when they're on these events.


A video, which went viral recently, reanimated the conversation about awareness in music festivals and parties in order to keep girls safe.

According to Metro, the shocking video captures the moment a man slips something into a woman’s drink while it’s in her own hand.

The man approached Kristal Santos, a young blonde woman, from behind while she was filming a selfie video showing her dancing and having fun at a festival.

According to The Sun, Santos was recording herself and a friend dancing at a party in Espcarpas do Lago, Brazil, when the man dropped something, supposedly a pill, on her glass at plain sight.

The same outlet explained that It is unclear what the man, who was wearing a black t-shirt and sunglasses, put in her drink during the party on Easter weekend.


The clip was posted on Twitter by Jaeda Sky, the friend of the targeted woman who can also be seen in the video, slamming the man.

'I'll never understand how a dude can be so wack with no game and feel the need to be such a disgusting predator. Ladies watch your drinks!' she wrote.

Kristal then spoke out to assure viewers that she did not drink anything from that cup afterward because it was already empty.

'Once again I will explain here to those who are still worried... I did not drink anything from that cup because it was at the end of the party and the glass was already empty,' she wrote in a post.

But the video attracted widespread concern on social media, being shared more than 10 million times and getting more than 95,000 retweets.

According to Daily Mail, social media users quickly reacted to the video, expressing their shock and disgust, but others are labeling the video as fake.

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