
Nahir, the girl who covered her treatment costs by collecting plastic bottle caps, has died

Apr 12, 2018
05:55 P.M.

Although she had to face many limitations during her life, this brave little girl didn't give up at any point and her smile brought happiness to many people.


Amigos de Galicia Foundation, a non-profit organization which helps poor people in Spain, announced that Nahir, the girl who suffered from brain paralysis and collected plastic bottle caps to pay her treatment.

According to Viralistas, the 6-year-old girl, who died due to a heart failure, left a really big void in every person who had the joy of knowing her.

The Amigos de Galicia Foundation posted the saddening announcement with some pictures right on their Facebook page recently.

'Today, we have to announce really sad news, more than ever. Nahir, the girl with the cutest smile, passed away tonight. Her heart turned off,' says the announcement.

During her birth, the girl ran out of oxygen and came out suffering from brain paralysis. Her family, from Pontevedra, devoted themselves to finding a treatment to save the girl, who could charm anyone with her smile.


Her mother and her older brothers were always focused on dealing with the girl's mobility and language difficulties in order to raise her living standards.

Her family even asked their community to collect plastic bottle caps to sell them and try to fund, as much as they could, her daily treatment. The campaign, in which thousands of anonymous people participated, was really successful.

The Amigos de Galicia Foundation was always collaborative with Nahir when she was forced to collect that many plastic bottle caps because the public health system couldn't pay for every session of rehab she needed.

She attended the Príncipe Felipe Elementary School, in which she was specially tutored by two specialists who were able to raise her standards.

Her mother had her hopes high when she saw her daughter favorably responding to the treatment, but unfortunately, this little warrior died three weeks after a new campaign was launched in order to continue her special rehabilitation program.

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