
Mother is devastated after 4 miscarriages. Then doctor says she's expecting quadruplets

Apr 20, 2018
11:58 A.M.

A couple received the greatest news possible when they went for an ultrasound test after years of miscarriages.


Allyson and Tony Ponto tried to have children for six years, but each of the four times Allyson got pregnant, it ended in miscarriage.

According to Newsner, the family then received an unexpected surprise when Allyson got pregnant with quadruplets after turning to in vitro fertilization.

The couple, who had always dreamt of having a big family, had turned miserable after going through an 'endless cycle' of early-stage excitement followed by heartbreaks.


For Allyson, the suffering was emotional as well as physical. Each miscarriage left a scar tissue and it came to a stage where she could no longer able to give birth naturally.

The couple then decided to turn to in vitro fertilization. During the procedure, doctors implanted three embryos in Allyson to boost her chances as she had only 30% chance of getting pregnant.

When Allyson and Tony returned for an ultrasound a few weeks later, they were treated by a delightful news.


On the ultrasound screen, one child showed up at first. Then there were other three of them. The doctor, who did the ultrasound, then gave the surprising news that two of the babies were identical twins.

Allyson and Tony could not contain their joy. They had been trying for 11 years to have children and start their family. But after countless tears and heartbreaks, the family was finally blessed with their dream.

On July 4, 2017, Allyson gave birth to four wonderful babies, all of whom were adorable little girls, the source informed.


The girls, who were born in week 32, had to be cared for at the hospital initially. They were named Olivia, Anna, Morgan, and Carolyn.

Following their birth, the children required a little respiratory support. Other than that, they were completely healthy. So, the entire family was allowed to leave the hospital after a few weeks of care.

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