Prince George has a Royal relative in his school and TV fans may likely recognize her mom
The four-year-old Prince is a student at an independent school in London.
Express reported that a distant relative is Prince George’s classmate in Thomas’s in Battersea.
Prince William and Kate’s eldest child began school last September. Thomas’s is a £17,600-a year school in Battersea, London.
Giving company to Prince George at his school is a distant relative, Maud Windsor, who is the eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor.
Lord Windsor’s father is Prince Michael of Kent, Queen Elizabeth’s cousin.
TV fans know Lady Frederick Windsor as Sophie Winkleman, an actress famous for her role as Big Suze in the Peep Show.

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She is also known for her other roles including Waking the Dead, Two and a Half men, Harry & Paul, White Teeth, The Trial of Tony Blair, etc. She was nominated for Best Newcomer by the BBC for her role as Clara Gold in Waking the Dead.
Her sister, Claudia Winkleman, is also well-known for her role as a presenter on Strictly Come Dancing.
Lord Windsor and Winkleman tied the knot at the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court in 2009. Their daughter, Maud, was born just a month after Prince George.

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George and Maud wear Thomas’s navy and red uniform. While the former wears shorts and jumper, the latter sports a skirt and cardigan along with a bow in her hair.
The third in line to the throne is known as George Cambridge to his classmates.
The school is very clear that the Prince will not be treated any different than any other students in the institution.
The principal, Ben Thomas, said, “Our aim for George, as well as for all of our pupils, is to provide a safe and secure and happy environment where he feels supported by a kind and loving community.”
He added that the school was trying to provide a conducive atmosphere to study and that there “won’t be any special treatment at all.”