Unbelievable skating performance of Scottish brother and sister duo
A brother/sister team set the ice on fire at the Winter Olympics
One of the most popular events at the Winter Olympics has always been the couples figure skating, and audiences have seen the rise of a fabulous duo who may just outshine the legendary British champions Torville & Dean.
Millions watched breathless as John and Sinead Kerr, a Scottish brother-and-sister figure skated their way to Gold.This brother-and-sister figure skating pair competed in two Olympics, seven World Championships, and eight European Championships. The Kerrs have won two Scottish and seven British titles.
Curiously enough, the Kerrs started skating as individual contenders, and only paired up in 2000, and their debut season saw them win the silver medal at their first British Nationals, revealed Inspiremore.com on the 1st April 2018.
At the beginning of their career, they were dismissed as 'crowd pleasers', artistically gifted, but without the technical brilliance which is the mark of true champions.
The Kerrs committed themselves to overcoming the prejudice of juries and connoisseurs of the sport. Their effort and determination paid off, and soon the mort critical were forced to bend the knee to this pair whose skating verged on perfection.
The Kerrs incredible virtuosity is perfectly exemplified in a video clip of their performance at the 2008 World Figure Skating Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden.
It is easy to see why they have inspired such passionate admiration, and why their fellow skaters hold them in respect verging on awe.
All over the world, the Kerrs are leading a new generation to dream of gliding with the same grace over the shimmering ice, and among their emulators and fans, the future champions of their sports wait to step into the limelight.