Alex Rodriguez responds to Jennifer Lopez's engagement ring hints amid wedding rumors
The 42-year-old former baseball baseman, Alex Rodriquez, had to field questions about a possible engagement to his superstar girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez.
Rodriguez, also known as A-Rod to his fans, appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday evening, and Fallon had a serious question to ask: Where is the ring?
As reported by ET Online, Lopez's new song, El Anillo, raised some questions about the couple's relationship. The titled translates to The Ring.
Lopez also made an appearance on The Tonight Show just one night before Rodriguez and explained that the song is about a woman who is frustrated about the slow pace of a relationship.

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She tried to divert attention away from their relationship by saying that all women get to point where they need clarity about the future.
Rodriguez read the song lyrics before he knew it as Lopez's new single, and said the song reminded him of their relationship. "Yeah, they made it for me," Lopez responded.
Fallon agreed with Rodriguez that the song is bound to reach the top of the charts soon, but raised one concern. People are going to insist on seeing the ring.
Instead of giving a straight answer, Rodriquez said that the thought hadn't crossed his mind, but assured Fallon that he would be the first to know when a real ring enters the picture.
The couple has been dating for more than a year. In an interview with Ebro Darden, Lopez said that she is not in a hurry to exchange wedding vows.
“I’ve done that before. I’m a little bit more grown up now, and I like to let things take their natural course. We are really kind of good for each other and are really having the best time.”
Jennifer Lopez, YouTube/Beats1 on Apple Music, April 26, 2018.
Fans of Lopez can look forward to her upcoming film project. She has been cast as Maya in Second Act. The film is currently in post-production and will be released later this year.