Gunman in public shooting stopped by an armed citizen
An armed gunman was stopped by bystanders in Oklahoma City shootout
On the 24th of May 2018, a lone gunman walked into Louie's Grill & Bar in Oklahoma City and shot 3 of the restaurant's patrons with a handgun, then ran out, reported CNN.com.
The armed man fled the scene but was confronted by two citizens who had heard the shots had retrieved their personal handguns from their car trunks.
Oklahoma City Police Capt. Bo Mathews later stated that the two citizens had fired on the gunman, and he had been fatally shot.
The two men were strangers, and did not know each other, but had both reacted to the same instinct to protect their community. At this time it is unclear which of the two men killed the perpetrator of the shooting.
"They were able to shoot this suspect and put an end to this very dangerous situation."
Oklahoma City Police Captain Bo Mathews, CNN.com, 24th of May 2018.
Mathews explained that according to the law, the bystanders acted within their legal rights - and would be protected by the good Samaritan laws. He expressed the opinion that the two men were heroes who had acted to defend others but deferred to the Oklahoma County district attorney.
The gunman was identified by the authorities as Alexander C. Tilghman, 28-years-old, and a resident of Oklahoma City. Mathews said Tilghman had no apparent links to any of his victims and no known history of mental illness.
Tilghman's three victims are hospitalized but are recovering well from their ordeal, according to Police sources. Two of them, a woman and a young girl, were celebrating a birthday when the violent shootout erupted.
According to witness, the two armed citizens who intercepted the gunman had asked him to put down his weapon, and he had refused, after which an exchange of fire ensued which saw the assailant dead.
The National Rifle Association emitted a statement in which they claimed the incident was a great example of how "the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
Recently, the state Governor Mary Fallin vetoed a law that would have allowed Oklahoma residents to carry guns without a permit, and this incident has added fuel to the blaze of protest triggered by her decision.
Among the states, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming allow their residents to carry guns without a permit.