Airport baggage handler caught on camera carelessly hurling bags
A video captured a baggage handler tossing luggage carelessly down a metal chute causing them to bounce.
A passenger, Vanessa Marsh, shared the video on her Twitter account on May 9, 2018, showing a crewmember at the Honolulu Airport.
Those wondering why their bags look damaged could finally have an answer thanks to a passenger who shot a video of a ground crew member at work while loading up a flight to Phoenix.
The baggage handler is seen throwing passengers’ luggage down a chute.
Marsh filmed the worker from the terminal building and was able to get a clear view of the baggage handler.
The worker does not place the bags onto the metal chute but throws each bag indiscriminately. This results in many of them bouncing as they fall towards the bottom instead of sliding down gently.
‘The mystery of all my broken suitcases is solved – this is the ground crew at Honolulu loading up a @HawaiianAir flight to Phoenix.’
Vanessa Marsh, Twitter, May 9, 2018.
Though no bag seems to be damaged during the transfer, nothing is known about the contents.
The 28-second video has been viewed more than 580,000 times since it was first uploaded. It received more than one thousand likes, about 600 retweets, and more than 200 comments.
This probably prompted Hawaiian Airlines to respond to Marsh’s tweet. The company apologized for the behavior by the staff member and appreciated the passenger for bringing it to their notice.
They maintained that the way the bags were handled was not acceptable and that the Airport Operations Management team is going to address the issue.
Many commented on the tweet saying it was upsetting to see the bags being thrown that way. Some also came to the rescue of the worker saying the staff work under difficult conditions.
March, a reporter with the Australian newspaper, The Courier-Mail, captured the incident with her cell phone while she was waiting to board her flight.