Abandoned dog with tumor rescued from sure-death in the nick of time
The video shows the timely rescue of a senior stray dog, Al Capone, by an organization called Hope For Paws.
The official channel of the organization shared the video on YouTube on March 16, 2018.
The organization received a call informing them about a stray dog who needed help. He was old and had lived on the streets for over a year.
His previous owners had moved out but had not taken him with them. Lisa Arturo and JoAnn Wiltz from Hope For Paws headed out immediately to help him out
They soon found out that the neighbors were kind enough to give him food and water and the dog had survived the ordeal.
A woman who lives in the neighborhood wanted to know who they were when they approached the dog. Arturo and Wiltz told her that they were from the animal rescue and that they were taking him to the vet. It was heartwarming to see someone care for the animal.
The two rescuers soon became friends with the dog and named him Al Capone.
However, they noticed that he was quite heavy, weighing almost 120 pounds. His stomach also seemed extremely distended and bloated.
Arturo and Wiltz were concerned about his condition. They knew they had to take him to the vet immediately.
At the hospital, Capone was diagnosed with a large mass in his abdomen. It had to be removed immediately before it ruptured and caused irreparable damage to the dog.
The doctors performed an emergency surgery and it was successful. Capone was out of danger and was on the path of recovery.
A couple of months after the surgery, another organization, LA Animal Rescue, was able to find a loving home for Capone.
The video ended with reminding the viewers that it was a small monthly donation of $5 every month that makes the rescue of the animals possible. The organization also requested people to consider adopting a senior dog and give it a home.