
Caught on camera: Touching moment soldier watches his baby's birth by phone

Jun 17, 2018
03:52 A.M.

The soldier Brooks Lindsey, who was on his way to Jackson, Mississippi, to be with his wife, was allowed by the airport staff to watch his baby’s birth on his phone.


Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey shared the video of her husband at the airport on Facebook, on May 6, 2018.

Haley and Brooks were excited to welcome their first child into the world. However, the husband, who was stationed at El Paso could only be allowed home if it was an emergency.

The pregnancy was going smooth and the couple was disappointed that he could not be home for the birth.

Things changed when Haley went for an appointment and was told that her blood pressure was high and the baby was being stressed and that she was preeclamptic, according to Love What Matters.

The couple immediately called Red Cross to let them know it was indeed an emergency and that he needed to go home. It was a long way back home from El Paso to Dallas layover and then to Jackson and could book a flight after 10 am the following morning and they would have the baby by then.

Haley was happy that he would get to be with her and the baby for four days and she was ready to take whatever she could get.


The next day, Haley’s water broke at 7 am but Brooks was able to board his flight at 10 am. He was scheduled to take off from Dallas at 3:55 but the flight was delayed to 5:45. At least they would be able to FaceTime.

Accompanied by her stepmother, Dee Anne, and her mother-in-law, Teresa, Haley went into the delivery room at 5.

Anne secretly FaceTimed her son-in-law who began to watch the process from the airport. Haley also could hear people in the airport talking and cheering.

Brooks was asked to board but their doctor was urging them to not “let him board the flight” because the baby was almost there.

The airport personnel understood the situation Brooks was in and allowed him to sit there and watch till it was over.

There were many in the airport watching the anxious father and when it his daughter, Millie, was finally born, everyone cheered.

The couple did not imagine that the story would go viral. The next day they checked Facebook and were surprised to see over 1,000 shares and 20,000 likes.

They were touched when they had strangers bringing them gifts and nurses thanking Brooks for his services. They were overwhelmed by the amazing support they received.

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