Heroic dogs risk their lives to save woman's grandchildren from venomous snake
Slayer and Paco put their own lives under risk and made sure that family’s two toddlers were out of the harm’s way when a venomous snake attacked them.
Fox reported on August 16, 2017, that Grandmother Melissa Butt’s grandchildren, Zayden and Mallory, were playing in their backyard at their home in Brandon.
The two canines became heroes for their family after protecting four-year-old Zayden and one-year-old Mallory from a threatening snake.
The two toddlers were playing in their backyard when Slayer and Paco suddenly became focused on something on the ground.
“Generally they will listen and come when called. But they weren’t. They were just standing there, barking,” said Butt.
The grandmother added that it may have been a copperhead in the ground with her grandchildren just a few feet away from the venomous snake.
Both the dogs stood their ground and fought the reptile bravely. However, the snake managed to bite both of them.
Slayer emerged victorious in the fight, killing the snake while Paco was bitten on the front leg. He only suffered minor injuries, but, the other dog was in a bad shape.
Butt said Slayer’s right side of the face was bloated and he had a little sack of fluid dripping from his chin. The family was anxious for three days with Butt wondering if her pet would pay the price for his bravery.
Slayer seemed to be just as afraid and nervous about his future.
Veterinarians gave him strong doses of antivenin at BluePearl Veterinary Partners. The family was also helped by an animal rescue group, Frankie’s Friends, by collecting donations for the treatment.
The group raised over $7,000 and Butt was confident Slayer would not feel abandoned. She said she would take him home as soon as it was time. She is grateful for the help extended by Frankie’s Friends and is glad she could make more friends.
She took to Facebook to give an update about Slayer’s health, saying the prognosis was good but her pet was in need of more critical care.
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