John Amos' daughter glows with her brown eyes, looking like dad in recent pic
Her father was known as "James Evans" on the '70s sitcom "Good Times", and now she has followed his footsteps in the entertainment industry. While Shannon Amos works as a film and tv show producer, she also spends her time traveling the world trying to search for spiritual well-being.
Shannon has been frequenting different unique and cultural places in the world, trying to find peace and serenity everywhere she goes. Despite being in an industry that always seems to be in a rush, Amos believes in the importance of spiritual well-being. According to her Instagram page, no matter what the producer does or where she goes, she is always in the pursuit of mind, body, and soul well-being.
Recently, John's daughter shared a photo while making the most out of the summer season. In the photograph, she could be seen lounging by the side of a pool, smiling while her big brown eyes glowed.
The producer quit her corporate position as a television executive at the Warner Brothers in 2009, choosing to start her own production company. However, according to Elayne Fluker, she felt that the "game" had changed, so she switched careers and became an entrepreneur. However, after her business failed, she switched careers yet again in 2014, this time choosing to donate all her stuff, pack her bags, and head out to explore the world.
Shannon Amos was born to John Amos and Noel Mickelson in New Jersey, USA. According to her IMDb biography, she had previously worked on the movies "The Watermelon Heist" and "A Woman Like That", and TV series like "CI Atlanta" and "No Budget Gourmet" as a producer. She spends most of her time nowadays traveling the world on a spiritual journey, in search of peace and well-being in every place she visits.