Death penalty sought for couple who murdered 3-year-old daughter
After a couple was accused of murdering their three-year-old daughter, the State of Utah filed recently filed a notice asking for death penalty for the two suspects.
Miller Costello and Brenda Emile were captured in July 2017 after their three-year-old daughter was found dead. After the arrest, Emile confessed that she tried to conceal her daughter’s injuries with makeup.
Police found evidence of abusive trauma at the time of the investigation.
They also took a younger sibling away from the couple’s home and was put under the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services.
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Lawyers of Weber County filed a notice in Second District Court on July 10, 2018, according to Fox 13
They reportedly seek the death penalty against Costello and Emile – who are both charged with aggravated murder as a capital felony.
At the time of the incident, a 911 call alerted Ogden’s police and fire departments to respond to a home close to 2800 Grant Ave.
The caller reported that a young girl appeared to be lifeless.
The Ogden Police Department revealed that the couple’s daughter, Angelina, was found lifeless and appeared to have suffered abusive trauma.
Both Costello and Emile were arrested the next day.
According to the authorities, the family just recently moved then in Ogden. During investigations in July 2017, the neighbors revealed the family just moved into the home and had only lived there for just a couple of days.
One of the neighbors, Katrina Duncombe, told Fox 13 that she found the incident alarming.
She said, "It's horrible knowing that. What could be going through a parent's mind to harm a 3-year-old in any direction? What could they be doing that's so bad that they would do that?"