Tamar Braxton gets close to mystery man in recent pictures
Tamar Braxton's most recent photo sparked controversy and had fans wonder whether she is trying to make things work with Vincent Herbert or was actually with another man.
Fans spotted a newly single Tamar Braxton with a new guy over the weekend, signifying that she has officially moved on from her husband. From the photos, the singer and the unknown mystery man are standing in front of a boutique, when Tamar, who was sporting a blonde wig, leaned in close to him while smiling.
This sighting came just four months after the "Empty Boxes" singer shaved her head and declared that she will no longer be captive to wigs.
According to one of her Instagram posts, she said:
“Im over feeling captive to a wig, weave, people, people’s comments & opinions hell…even my OWN feelings!. WE can choose to stop these things from having the power and victory over us!! And for me, that starts TODAY. #happysttamarsday”
Olisa TV shares that when she sat down with Steve Harvey a week later, she revealed that she wore wigs because her then-husband only liked blonde and fair-skinned women. She added that she felt like it was her "responsibility" to please her man and do what he wants or likes.
However, she added that she no longer needs to do that and is now doing whatever she pleases, and that's awesome. Now, fans are eagerly waiting for her to reveal who the new man is in her life, and whether or not he will be in it for the long run.
"Finally free"
The singer is now much happier now that she can be herself and not be captive by her hair, something that she did not feel when she was still with her husband. Now, whether or not she's sporting a wig, she can express herself in any way she wants without having to worry about what other people are saying.