Waiter responds to customer's racist note: 'Jesus died for these people too'
This past Saturday, a Saltgrass Steak House customer in Odessa was banned after they left no tip on a $108 bill. The reason for the non-tip that the customer left on the bill was that they didn’t tip terrorists.
The 'terrorist' the customer was referring to was Khalil Cavil, the waiter. After the incident occurred, Cavil took to Facebook to share his story, and a picture of the actual bill with the racist message scrawled on it.
Khalil Cavil, 20, served a customer on Saturday at the Saltgrass Steak House in Odessa, Texas. However, when it came to paying the $108.73 bill; the customer left no tip. For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa.
Instead, the customer wrote on the bill, ‘We don’t Tip Terrorist [sic],’ and circled the server’s name, Khalil. Cavil posted the bill on Facebook with an explanation of how the incident had made him feel.
‘Last night at work I received this note from one of my tables. At the moment I didn’t know what to think nor what to say, I was sick to my stomach,’ the waiter wrote.
‘I share this because I want people to understand that this racism, and this hatred still exists. Although, this is nothing new, it is still something that will test your faith,’ Cavil added.
‘All day I’ve had to remind myself that Jesus died for these people too. I have decided to let this encourage me, and fuel me to change the world the only way I know how.’
Khalil Cavil, Facebook, July 16, 2018
He ended his message on a positive note saying that all the haters could keep talking, but they should know that they’re only helping him step into his destiny. Cavil is currently preparing to attend college in Dallas later this year.
His post went viral with more than 6,700 comments and more than 17,000 shares. Some people in the comments section even offered to pay the tip while others condemned the customer.
Terry Turney, COO of Saltgrass Steak House, said: "We stand by and support our employee. Racism of any form is unacceptable."
Cavil shared that he was named after one of his father's best friends who was killed in an accident. Khalil means ‘friend’ in Arabic.
The waiter would not identify or discuss his abusers further. He shared that it was about him and not them and further stated, “It’s about this hatred that is still going on, that is still here and prevalent. I just wanted people to understand that.”