Nervous 'Family Feud' winner reveals devastating secret to Steve Harvey, gets additional $25,000
The man was a nervous wreck while playing on "Family Feud." Steve Harvey knew something was bothering the man and he asked him. The man’s answer stunned the host.
For about eight years, Harvey has been the face of the famous game show. He has seen every kind of reaction from players when they win the grand prize.
On one of the previous episodes of the game show, Harvey noticed that a man from one of the teams looked very persistent and determined to win. But he also looked very nervous. The man was so nervous that he was sweating badly. In fact, the producers had to make him change his shirt.
Harvey's initial thought was to poke fun at the contestant, but his instincts told him that there was something strange about the man's behavior.
The host recalled that moment on his show:
“He had played three days and they didn’t win the money, and he was just a wreck.”
Eventually, after three days, the man finally bagged the $20,000. Soon after, he fell to his knees and burst into tears. Harvey was stunned by the man's reaction after he won. During the commercial break, he approached the contestant and asked him what was going on.
The man's response shocked Harvey and made him want to help.
As it turned out, the man was terminally ill and he only had three months to live. He couldn't get insurance because of his sickness, which was the main reason why he wanted to win. He needed the money for his family.
Harvey's heart was warmed by the man's story. The host didn’t think twice and told the man that he was going to give him an additional $25,000 of his own money to help him out.
Steve gave the man more than money; he gave him hope.