Blue-eyed twins who were 'the most beautiful twins in the world' are all grown up
Megan and Morgan Boyd earned the title of the “world’s most beautiful twins” when their adorable pictures became viral on the internet three years ago. Now, the girls are 7-year-old, and their beauty keeps growing with them.
These little girls captured the hearts of people all around the globe with their adorable smiles and strikingly beautiful eyes. What many people found particular about the girls, is the combination of their dark skin with bright blue eyes.
While Megan has both eyes blue, Morgan has one blue eye and one dark brown – an even rarer combination. The condition, although rare, is not that unusual. It’s called heterochromia, and the twins have an uncle and great aunt with the same condition.
When the girls were born in 2011, their mother, Stephanie immediately knew that her daughters had something special. As they grew up, the twins started to develop an interest for the camera and flashes, always ready to strike a pose in family reunions and not to show an ounce of shyness in front of the lens.
According to a report from Monagiza, family members are aware of the girls’ passion for modeling and having all eyes on them. Morgan always played around imagining she was walking down the runaway, and Morgan has a knack for getting her hair done and trying out new clothes.
“I wanted them to get out there because of what they look like,” said Stephanie. But the girls’ dad, Lovell Boyd, is not that happy about all the exposure the girls are getting. The overprotective dad is worried about the effect that all the attention can cause on the development of the girls’ personalities at such a young age.
But Morgan and Megan are more than happy about their lives. They enjoy fashion and modeling, and according to Stephanie, they always have the last word on the outfits they wear and the poses they make.
Right now they have over 412k followers on their new Instagram account, and the number keeps on rising by the minute.
But these adorable twins are not the only dark-skinned children that have earned the attention of social media these days.
When photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa posted a series of pictures of 5-year-old Jare Ijalana to her Instagram, as part of a new project of photography with children, she wasn’t expecting the wild reaction from people all across the globe.
The adorable little girl quickly became the newest Internet sensation with her big eyes, afro and deep stare. Jare is the youngest of three sisters that, like the Boyd twins, have taken advantage of the reach of social media to attract followers and start building a career as models.
“Oh yes, she’s human! She’s also an angel! “J A R E,” wrote the photographer in the caption. And continued:
“I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood, so both stay timeless! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud, but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes! Posing them as adults! Was my trick to create it a timeless portrait !”
Getting excited about beautiful children on social media has become a trend in the past years. The title of “most beautiful girl in the world” changes its owner constantly. Russian girl Anna Pavaga earned that unofficial honor in December, and her fellow countrywoman, Anastasia Knyazeva, later revoked Pavaga of her position.