Puppy puts paw around sick little sister's neck to comfort her
A puppy recovering after a deadly case of a virus was caught on camera being comforted by her brother by placing his paw over her.
A report from Mirror informed that the two puppies were taken to a hospital clinic in Cairo, Egypt following the signs of the virus. There they were diagnosed with Parvo, which is a highly contagious disease that destroys cells in a dog’s body.
Among the two puppies, the male responded well to the treatment and was up and about within a few moments. However, the female puppy went through the worse of it.
The video of the male puppy comforting his sister was uploaded to YouTube by Dr. Mohammad Bu Yahya, who runs the clinic Africano Centre. After putting his paw over her, he laid across her neck as if to provide her support and affection.
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The video has so far been viewed over 19,000 times and has received several encouraging comments from the people.
YouTube user Hatchet Mobile wrote in the comments section that the video was ‘sad’ and ‘heartbreaking’ because the user felt like the female puppy knew she might soon die and the male puppy was hurting because of it.
Bu Yahya told Mirror, “After four days of intensive treatment, and me spending all the night and day with them, the boy is getting much better but the girl still suffering.”
Daily Mail reported that the canine parvo virus causes lethargy, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhea in puppies and young dogs. If left untreated, it can even claim their lives.
The canines can contract this illness through the feces from a sick animal, infected soil, or even fomites that carry the virus.
It was reported that both the puppies had recovered the illness following the upload of the video.
These innocent animals sometimes show unique strength and courage to fight back their adverse situation and surprise even us. Back in 2016, another abandoned puppy displayed a similar show of courage with the support of a kind police officer.