Dad uses twitter account to hilariously showcase the struggles of parenting
A dad of four has become a media star on Twitter as @XplodingUnicorn
James Breakwell is the pseudonym of an Indiana comedian who writes Twitter jokes about raising his children on @XplodingUnicorn.
Breakwell's Twitter account has over 950,000 followers, all fans of his wry wit and tongue in cheek take on the challenges of being a modern father of 4.
Men and women related to Breakwell's particular brand of humor and in April 2016 @XplodingUnicorn went viral.
“I've never been thrown out of a bar, but I got kicked out of a tea party for slurping my imaginary tea.”
James Breakwell
A tongue-in-cheek take on parenting
Breakwell has 4 daughters ranging in age from 8 to 2 years old, and the girls have pseudonyms too: Bettsy, Mae, Lucy, and Waffle.
His valiant struggle to cope with the challenges and demands of parenting ar his main inspiration for his tweets.
Read more about James Breakwell on our Twitter account @amomama_usa.
His tweets are honest and inspiring to parents everywhere
Breakwell depicts the "warts and all" experience of fatherhood with humor, and some of his best posts are verbatim quotes of his conversations with his girls.
Balancing a happy marriage with parenting 4 young children
Breakwell touches on the challenge of balancing being a father with being a husband, and one of his funniest quotes was the definition of a parents' quicky: Locking the door and having a quick nap.
Apocalyptical parenting hacks for the end of the world
Apart from his constant work on his Twitter account, Breakwell wrote and published a book on the 10th of October of 2017 entitled "Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse."
The book was released to critical acclaim for its acerbic wit and elegant prose. The premise of the book is that all survivors of a Zombie Apocalypse are depicted as single, unencumbered adult.
But how would the hero of such a story cope with finding diapers, formula and micromanaging tantrums and lost teddy bears? The book was a best seller and has boosted Breakwell's following on Twitter
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