Mother was surprised when newborn baby came out as big as a toddler
A big bouncing baby girl breaks records as Florida's biggest
Chrissy Corbitt from Florida was in the delivery room of the Orange Park Medical Center waiting to give birth.
The doctors and nurses prepping her for cesarean section were happily laughing and joking, betting on the weight of the baby they were about to deliver.
This was to be Chrissy's fifth child, and her previous births had produced hefty babies weighing in from 8 to 9 pounds.
Chrissy and her husband Larry Corbitt were in for a very big surprise, reported USA Today
“I couldn’t see when they were pulling her out, and the doctors were just saying, ‘Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!’ ”
Larry Corbitt, USA Today, 7th of July 2017.
A Big Bouncing Baby-Girl Called Carleigh
To the astonishment of the medical team, baby Carleigh was born weighing more than 13 pounds.
Larry Corbitt was informed by a nurse that the baby girl weighed 13 pounds, 5 ounces, which was a Clay County record.
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Too Big For Her Booties!
The Corbitts had packed clothes for a newborn, but to their chagrin, none of the pretty outfits fitted Carleigh.
Even the diapers available in the maternity ward at the hospital were too small and Corbitt had to run to the store to buy diapers for 6-month-olds.
Carleigh Surpassed Expectations By 2 Pounds
Doctors had originally calculated that Carleigh's birth-weight would be 11 pounds, which would make for a big baby, but she surpassed their expectations.
A High-Risk Pregnancy For Mother And Child
Chrissy's pregnancy was difficult as she developed gestational diabetes — a condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy and places both mother and child at risk.
Gestational Diabetes And Big Babies
Chrissy also developed anemia and had to receive blood transfusions before she could give birth via cesarean section.
Women who suffer from gestational diabetes usually end up giving birth to babies weighing more than 10 pounds.
The average birth-weight at full term (9 months/ 38 to 40 weeks) varies considerably from 5 pounds, 8 ounces (2,500 grams) to 8 pounds, 13 ounces (4,000 grams).
The world’s heaviest baby was born at 22 pounds in Seville, Ohio, in 1879 according to the Guinness Book of World Records, which would make Carleigh a lightweight in comparison.
The improvement of care for premature babies has seen the survival of infants born tiny, and with extremely low birth-weight.
ever born was Madeline Mann. Madeline was born in 1989 at 26 weeks and weighed just 9.9 oz and was 24.1 cm long. A
about infants reports on the delightful reaction of a baby from Texas who starts crying each time he hears a clarinet.
His mother decided to film his surprising reaction and the video has gone viral.