Thief tries to steal a box but homeowner has a perfect plan to stop her (video)
We love packages being delivered right outside our doorstep these days. But doing so also comes with its own set of risks. One homeowner seems to have planned ahead for this.
Most packages delivered right outside our door are at the risk of being stolen or taken away by strangers since they are usually left outside by the delivery person.
uploaded by Jaireme Barrow showed his remarkable plan to keep the package safe and to scare away any thief who might want to take the box away.
In the description to the video, Barrow revealed that he rigged the delivery box with a 12 Gauge shotgun ‘blank’ to go off when anyone tried to pick the box. He further wrote that his strategy had proved to be ‘very effective’ so far.
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Source: YouTube/Jaireme Barrow
The video begins with a girl stepping out of her vehicle and walking toward the entrance of a house. Only a few seconds later, there is a sound resembling that of a gunshot and the girl is seen running back to the vehicle.
From another camera, placed right outside the door, we see what actually happened that caused the girl to run.
The camera revealed that the girl approached a delivery package dropped right outside the door. Finding the area secluded, the girl slowly picked up the box.

Source: YouTube/Jaireme Barrow
Right then, a sound close to the “blank” shot of a 12 gauge shotgun went off causing the girl to recoil and step back. She was soon running as if to save her life.
Moments later, Barrow is seen stepping outside casually and scanning the area, finding his package still lying safely by the door.
The hilarious video has been viewed more than 600,000 times and has gathered around 1000 likes so far. He has titled the video as ‘The Blank Box,’ and it is one of the most popular videos on his channel.
Here’s another hilarious video of a grandfather trying to play a prank on his nurse, but, in the end, the joke was on him.