Barack Obama's video talking about the night he won the presidency is making people emotional
The Obama Foundation recently released a video where the former president speaks about the moment he knew he was going to win the elections and the woman he held hands with at the time. Fans who've seen the video became emotional remembering the historic moment in American history.
When Barack Obama took office in the White House for the first time, he made history as the first African American to do so. It was a turning point in US history that set the tone for future elections. Today, 10 years after, the former US president reveals what actually transpired during the first few moments when he realized he was going to become president.

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A video released by Obama’s foundation shares a glimpse of the night he was awaiting the results of the presidential elections. Obama recalled how he was sitting beside his mother-in-law, Marian Shields Robinson, when he realized he was going to win. He revealed that as his victory loomed, Robinson was seeing it in a different way.
“For what was true for her was that something she might not have ever imagined possible had happened and her daughter was going to be the next first lady of the United States.”
Obama disclosed that it was a struggle for Robinson while she was growing up in Chicago due to the challenges faced by black people in America at the time. And as he sat next to her expecting to win the elections, he recalled holding hands with her as he asked, “How are you feeling?”, to which she replied,
“Well, it’s just a little overwhelming, isn’t it?”
The video which Michelle Obama also tweeted drew emotions from its viewers who shared in the joy of Obama’s victory at the time. Many cried as they remembered the day that changed the course of American history.
Here were some of the emotional tweets.
"I was at uni, I called my mum and we cried, and she said remember today for the rest of your life @BarackObama"
"Now, this is a PRESIDENT!! Gosh, I miss him dearly!!"
"My heart gets all warm when I hear him speak.. really be wanting to cry if I'm honest"
"I wonder if there will come a time when I can watch President Obama speak without crying for all we have lost - and all that might have been. Will we ever have that hope again?"
"@Theobomafoundation I remember this day very well. I can still hear the sounds that bellowed from my 90 yr.old father's voice as he wept with tears of joy. #priceless"
"I'm crying now, just as I cried that night, I was so thrilled to have voted for this wonderful man, and to have my vote validated. I truly believe he is, and history will show him to be, one of the greats."
It was in February 2007 when Obama announced he was running for office. He was then a first-term democratic senator whose lack of experience was being questioned. In his speech, he addressed this by saying,
"I know I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change."
And change he instigated when he won the elections the following year. During his inaugural speech, he challenged Americans to “pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.”
Today, after two terms in office, Obama still remains an inspiration to many as much as a celebrity. During his recent trip to Martha’s Vineyard with his wife, crowds gathered around the restaurant they dined in cheering and chanting, “Obama, Obama!” The rock star treatment earned fans a smile and a wave from the couple before they escaped to their SUV’s. The owner of the restaurant compared the hysteria that transpired to a reaction to the Beatles. He said, “It shut the town down.”