Girl purposefully pours water diluted with bleach on men to stop 'manspreading' on the train
A 20-year-old activist and law student from Russia is taking matters into her own hands by going to the root of the manspreading-problem.
Anna Dovgalyuk shared her video manifesto on YouTube and explains that Russia is "behind the times" when it comes to gender aggression.
Read more on our Twitter account, @amomama_usa. The video of her campaign went viral and can be seen below.
Dovgalyuk now targets men on the subway who sit with their legs open by spraying a mixture of bleach and water onto their crotch.
Source: YouTube/Канал Анны Довгалюк
She said that the mixture is 30 times stronger than the solution used for doing laundry and will eat the color of their clothes away in minutes. Why?
"So everyone can immediately understand which body part controls the behavior of these men."
Source: YouTube/Канал Анны Довгалюк
According to her video, she has sprayed more than 70 men with bleach while riding on the St. Petersburg metro and warns men in Moscow that they're next.
Dovgalyuk isn't the only one agitated by all the space that men take up on the subway. New York City subway created a campaign explicitly addressing the issue.
Source: YouTube/Канал Анны Довгалюк
Their posters show a stick-figure man sitting with his legs spread. Because he takes up more than one seat, other passengers have to stand. The sign reads:
"Dude... Stop the Spread, Please. It's a space issue."
Source: YouTube/Канал Анны Довгалюк
The campaign hit a nerve, and Gabriella Moss from Bustle discussed this phenomenon with Damian Abraham.
Moss said it's a pretty common issue, especially in cities. She said it's a "hot-button issue for men" because they feel they are being targetted.
The discussion also included Jeff Stone, a Men's Rights Activist from the Canadian Association of Equality. Stone said it was physically impossible for men to close their legs. He explained:
"There's a biological explanation such as the different sizes of male and female hips which makes it easier for women to close their legs, [...] as well as the fact that men have testicles."
Moss said that explanation didn't hold up for her but said she'll gladly give it a pass if men with "equipment so large that it requires it's own seat" could produce a doctor's note.
She said it's a common occurrence on any subway cart that a handful of men will "man spread" while 20 other men show no signs of discomfort from sitting with their legs closed.
Men aren't required to sit with their legs crossed; the campaign just wants men to be considerate of the space they take up on public transport.