Woman baffled by random flowers on her porch – until she sees what the neighbor's cat does
A sweet kitten named Willow brings flowers from the garden of her house to her neighbor's since spring and was captured in a tender video that has gone viral.
Rosie from the United Kingdom observed how beautiful pink flowers of good size appeared on the porch of her house.
At first, she thought it was the wind that brought them, but as the scene repeated itself and the mysterious flowers continued to appear, she began to suspect that someone was leaving them there on purpose.
Finally, the mystery was revealed, she could catch her "secret Romeo" red-handed. It was none other than Willow, the neighbor's cat, a nice Persian mix with long hair.
Every day Willow leaves her own garden, with flowers in her mouth, climbs several gates and goes punctually to her appointment with Rosie, who lives nearby.
Is Willow stealing flowers from her own owner to give them to a neighbor? The lady didn’t believe it, and she was so shocked by this behavior that she even decided to videotape the cat while bringing her one of her usual pink flowers.
Rosie told Love Meow, "We live in a street of terraced houses that leads to another street of terraced houses with a kind of garden corridor. Willow rules around six of the gardens, and I'm pretty sure she feeds on everyone because it's very hard to say no. "
Willow also goes to other houses in the area with gifts. It seems that this kitty loves everyone, and of course, everyone loves Willow. In exchange for her flowers and visits, the neighbors give her some trinkets, caress her, and even let her inside to take a nap on the couch.
Cats can make the best company, they can even be the most hilarious companion, like this funny cat that can't stay silent when the dog farts and his hilarious reaction goes viral.
The cat, who was also having a relaxing moment next to his resting peer, didn’t expect what happened next, and it is his genuine and so human reaction to what the dog does what draught people to this clip.