Hilarious dad slips into skin-tight leotard to join his girls in a dancing video
A dad trying to win a family challenge slipped into a black leotard and danced it out with his two daughters, much to the delight of his family.
The Haddad family began a tradition a few years back: every year on Christmas they perform various acts and see who comes out with the most entertaining routine.
This year was a Lip Sync Battle which became rather competitive. Living in Michigan, Steven and Tina with their two daughters had to come up with the best routine.
His daughters suggested they lip sync and dance to Beyoncé’s, "All the Single Ladies." However, Steve would have to wear a leotard, just like his daughters.
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He wasn't keen at all but they convinced him. Tina said:
“Steve is by nature hilarious, however, my daughters begged him to do this dance for our family Christmas Lip Sync battle contest. Haddad and the girls actually went to a choreographer to learn the routine.”
Steve and his daughters spent two weeks working on their routine. Once ready, Tina captured it on video as they danced and lip-synced, in black leotards.
After filming Tina recalls:
“As it was happening I just thought ‘this is nuts, the competition was fierce this year. There were many family members dressed. One Britney Spears, another Mick Jagger, so we had to come prepared.”
Tina posted the video on Facebook Christmas day, so friends and family can re-live the hilarious routine.
Soon the video spread with an astronomical view count of over 21 million and over 248,000 shares.
According to Tina the likelihood of Steve donning a black leotard again is slim, and in the end they were victorious, Steve said:
“We took home the trophy if there was one.”
Steve may have been somewhat embarrassed but his daughters enjoyed it and that was that mattered to the doting father.
Daughters don’t always appreciate the actions of their dads, as seen at this Cubs’ game against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Tuesday.
This dad gets attention from the jumbotron as he tries to do the dance move, ‘the floss’.
They can see his daughter trying to get him seated but to no avail and clearly embarrassed as he continues.
Another lip-sync challenge went viral when members from the Nixa Police Department in Missouri danced and lip-synced Kenny Loggins’s iconic song, “Footloose.”
Hopefully, their performance was as good as that of Steve and his daughters’ routine did.