Honeybee rescuer removes bricks from man’s house and is amazed by view of giant nest
David Glover is a man who is also known as The Bartlett Bee Whisperer. He is a professional honeybee rescuer who works in western Tennessee, eastern Arkansas, and northern Mississippi.
Glover recently took on a new client in Germantown, Tennessee, who had bees in the wall of their house. The bee rescuer was shocked to see how big the nest was when he’d removed the bricks.
After David Glover is done rescuing bees from a residence or business he relocates them into empty hive boxes of local beekeepers. He had this to say:
“Because I remove honeybees from homes, I feel that I am saving our supper every time I rescue a hive from a home.”
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. When homeowners find a swarm on their property they could call a pest control company and kill the bees, try to kill them with wasp sprays, or call a beekeeper like Glover.
The last option is the one that Glover favors. A recent client of his needed him to remove a giant swarm of bees that lived behind the brick exterior of their house.
The tricky part about this task was that removing bricks could lead to chipped mortar and/or damaged combs. Glover decided to document this job with pictures he shared on Facebook.
He was called in after a local pest control service failed to remove and kill the hive. The bee rescuer revealed that the bees had entered the wall through “a weep hole between the bricks” and “a gap between the bricks and the corner of the window.”
Glover started by smoking the entrances and sprayed some Honey Bandit in the small hole he’d drilled. That kept the bees “from running up the wall when I kicked on the hammer drill.”
He then started removing rows of bricks to access the hive. On his post he wrote:
“This is what I mean by AWESOME. The comb wasn’t overly-attached to the bricks AND this is one of the largest single pieces of comb I’ve ever seen!”
Glover managed to safely remove and relocate the hive although some of the bees had been killed off by the pest control people. As he cleaned up and prepared to leave left a “nuc box in the hole to gather returning foragers.”
A honeybee sting causes the bee to release its stinger into your skin and the honeybee will die. Honeybees are the only type of bee that die after they sting.
There are some home remedies here for when that does occur.