Dog tries to sprint behind a truck after owner abandons him
The CCTV cameras recorded the heartbreaking moment when a man in Arizona abandoned his dog in front of a shelter in Tennessee, but the dog was not ready to say goodbye.
In the video uploaded to WJHL YouTube channel, the man, who has not been identified yet, appeared in front of the Hawkins County Animal Shelter with his dog, who was unleashed.
Then, the man got in his truck and drove off the place, abandoning the poor dog there. However, the chased the vehicle for a long time, proving how much he loved him and that he didn’t want to be left alone.
When the staff of the shelter, who was inside the establishment, noticed what was happening, they ran outside to help the dog, who was running into traffic on a highway, reported Daily Mail.

Source: YouTube/WJHL
It was also revealed that the shelter was closed temporarily for quarantine, so the doors were locked. Some members of the staff were inside, so if the man had knocked on the door, someone could have talked to him and solve the problem differently.

Source: YouTube/WJHL
The shelter manager, Sandy Behnke, set clear that she requested an investigation by the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office, which is the reason why she didn’t disclose the face of the negligent man.

Source: YouTube/WJHL
Joseph Cadorette, one of the members of the staff who ran behind the dog, pointed out that the dog, who was later named Rawhide, was almost hit by four or five cars who were on the highway before he gave up chasing and came back to the shelter.

Source: YouTube/WJHL
After getting some shots and being neutered, Rawhide would be eligible for adoption. Cadorette pointed out that everyone in the shelter hoped that the dog could find a loving family.

Source: YouTube/WJHL
Daily Mail reported that an unidentified attorney sent the shelter a letter from the man who abandoned the dog explaining that he was not Rawhide’s owner. He allegedly found him and kept him for two weeks.
Unfortunately, his was aggressive to his two other dogs, so he thought that taking him to the shelter was the best option. “The dog was brought to the shelter during working hours with the understanding it would be admitted, read the statement.”
While it is a heartbreaking thing to do, it is not the first time that something similar happens. Stephanie Dagenhard found a dog tied to a tree with several items scattered around him next to a note.
It read: “this is Duke. He has his favorite toy, his crate, and his food, and he needs a new home and someone to love him.” Thankfully, Duke was taken to the Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter, and U.S. Army Specialist Wallace White fell in love with and adopted him.