Dad-to-be films pregnant wife when suddenly unborn baby starts jiggling like crazy
We’ve all seen or heard of the imprints a tiny baby can leave behind on the belly of its mother while in the womb. The following clip shows just that and goes many steps further.
A soon-to-be dad from Guerrero, Mexico, began recording the belly of his pregnant wife while sitting in a restaurant. A few seconds into the shoot and he knew he had to share the clip with the world.

A heavy dance track happened to be blaring from a phone placed near the mother’s belly, and the camera captured the fetus in mama’s belly dancing wildly.
You’d think the little guy or girl wanted to come out the way the mother’s belly was vibrating under her clothes.
One Facebook user saw the adorable video, and shared a similar experience:

“Babies do respond to music in the womb,” she confirmed. “My son used to move around more when I put music on… and would you believe, is [sic] very musical. Drums/guitar and self-taught.”
While most viewers found the video amusing and heartwarming, others thought the baby’s movements were too intense, and that it was the mother dancing all along.

Baby movements are not a peculiar sight. Although the level of activity differs from one fetus to another, there is always some form of change.
captured by Babygaga shows the same thing. The soon-to-be mom is lying on a bed while her little one navigates around her belly. It starts with what looks like a gentle ripple, and then a pointy limb protrudes through the mama's belly. There is a short break before two arms or legs pop up again near the mom's belly button.

Fetal Movement Facts: During the day, when you’re at work or just getting busy with one or two things, your body's movements can lull the baby to sleep.
Sometimes, it happens that you’re so busy that you don’t recognize the movements, and for some mothers, they’ve become used to the feeling such that they do not even notice the baby is moving.
If you’re serious about catching your baby in the act, stay observant when you relax and lie in bed at night; you’re likely to feel it move. After food is another good time to catch your unborn baby stretching around; the increase in your blood sugar pumps them with more energy.