Michelle Obama gives update on daughters Sasha and Malia
Michelle Obama is one of the most empowered women in the world, and of course, she would want nothing else but her daughters to be the same. That is why during International Day of the Girl, she made sure to celebrate her two daughters, Sasha and Malia.
The former First Lady of the United States joined Today for an interview and opened up about being in the middle of some senior year drama with her 17-year-old daughter. According to the 54-year-old,
“We’ve got one kid in college. One on the way. We have a senior in high school, so it’s all the drama that goes with it. Senior year is quite intense because it’s testing, it’s applications, it’s grades. We’re riding that wave with our senior.”
Michelle also shares another daughter with Barack, Malia, who now studies in Harvard. The doting mom shares that although their two girls grew up in such a political landscape, she is proud of the women they've grown to be despite all the pressures that their father's job brought upon them in the past and even up until today.
"They’re doing well. I’m so proud of them. They are some of the reasons why this issue means so much to me. I think about what it means for them to have their voice heard and to come out of those eight years confident and poised.”
former President of the United States Barack Obama remains to be one of the most influential people in the whole world, and so even after his terms, his family continues to be under the public eye. Given that up until today the international spotlight shines upon them, their daughters' every move is followed by the media, especially with the presence of social media.
However, the proud mom shares that this has not gotten in the way of their daughters living normal lives, and in fact, they've grown up to be such humble women.
“They are down to earth; they are humble. They are normal and it has been a huge relief. It took me several months in the White House before I could take a deep breath because I knew that this transition wasn’t going to take them out.”
What Mrs. Obama shared has been proven by the numerous times her eldest daughter Malia, 20, has been spotted roaming around Europe and America with her friends, her boyfriend Rory Farquharson, or even by herself. Of course, there must have been some members of the PSG following her from afar, but that doesn't mean she hasn't been independent all along.
And that could be credited to the great parenting of Barack and Michelle Obama.