Black teen tells Dr. Phil she's white and hates Black people in viral video
A Black teen’s concerned mother opens up to Dr. Phil about how her daughter hates Black people and believes she’s white. "My daughter is a racist against her own race," she says.
Treasure is a 16-year-old Back girl who claims she’s not. In an episode of Dr. Phil, the young teen expresses her distaste for Black people while truly believing she’s white.
Her mother, Monica, and brother, Kendal, brought her to the show to seek help. They believe Treasure is suffering from an identity crisis. "My daughter is a racist against her own race," she says.
According to the worried mom, as early as Treasure was five, she already showed her aversion to Black people.
“She wouldn’t play with the Black children. Treasure would mangle or destroy her Black dolls. She would cut their heads off, pull off their arms. She would pretend that they were the white dolls’ slaves.”
She also said Treasure was a big fan of the Ku Klux Klan. The young woman herself admitted this and explained why.
“I identify with the Ku Klux Klan because the way they believe is just so smart. White is right.”
The teen added that she doesn’t have anything in common with Black people. She also thinks there’s something wrong with them.
“Most African-Americans speak ghetto, and when it comes to Black people, I think they’re all ugly, and I have nothing in common with them. I act and think like a white person, instead of a Black person. When I think about African-Americans, I feel like asking them, ‘What is wrong with them’? They’re really dangerous.”
Dr. Phil who couldn’t believe what he was hearing brought in a popular therapist known as Spirit to sort Treasure’s problem.
Spirit concluded that Treasure’s hate of Black people is actually a projection of her hate towards herself. The Black life coach also suspects her identity crisis stems from the time her father died. Her mother led her to believe that she was biracial and only told her the truth after her father’s death. This may have triggered her hatred towards being black.
No matter what Spirit told Treasure, the young girl wouldn’t hear it. She seriously thinks she’s white and even referred to Spirit as a “hood rat.”
Treasure identifies herself with Jennifer Anniston, Kim Kardashian, and even Donald Trump. She denied having a wide nose or having her hair chemically relaxed. She even denied her obviously gapped teeth.
It may take more than one session with Dr. Phil to convince Treasure about who she really is.
In contrast, a black girl may just need to wait for her meds to wear off to realize that she isn’t white. A hilarious video of sixteen-year-old Faith Martin made its rounds on the internet because it showed the teen waking up from a surgery thinking she was white. Martin was convinced of it and even told her mother, “I want to be black.” She compares her skin to her mother’s and tells her they were different. We’re more than certain Martin was just hallucinating from her medication and soon discovered she was black all along.