Black parents accused of having affairs after welcoming light-skinned babies with albino
A couple was accused of having affairs when they became parents to two albino kids. They revealed that strangers would often be shocked that they have light-skinned children and would hint that they got into other relationships that caused this.
Christin and Russell Lewis from Newark, New Jersey, shared how affected they have been when strangers make side comments about their children without realizing that their two-year-old twins, Nolan and Savannah, were born albino, and are not just genetically white. Christin, a 37-year-old travel agent, shared with Daily Mail UK that people have been targetting her to be at fault, as she is the one who had the kids.
"People think that I cheated on my husband to have white babies."
A fellow agent who offered to have the kids model even went so far as to ask Christin's husband if he had the babies with a white woman. However, the couple has had absolutely enough of the accusations, especially since they have been loyal and faithful to one another since the start.
"I want to make a public service announcement: we are faithful, we did not cheat on each other, and we did not use surrogates,' she said. 'I carried these babies for nine months.'"
The parents plan on homeschooling their children when they get to schooling age, particularly because they are afraid that their appearance would cause them to get bullied.
"We think that they are very sensitive and people do stare at them on the street.We want to shield them from that and let them know they are beautiful and can do anything they set their minds to."
Due to their Albinism, Nolan and Savannah suffer from rapid eye movement and are sensitive to sunlight. This is because their genetic condition, which only affects one in 18,000 Americans, is characterized by little to no melanin production in their skin, hair, and eyes.
Although they always get stares from other people wherever they go, the twins are unaware of their condition, and Christin is thankful for that as they get to live normal lives.
"They don't know that they are different at all. They like to sing and dance. They are loved. They are always smiling. They are just regular little babies. At the moment, my husband and I are catching the flack. We don't walk down the street without someone stopping us, pointing at us, and asking questions."