Pauley Perrette urged Christians to vote against Trump because 'he is opposite of Jesus'
The 48-year-old NCIS actress, Pauley Perrette, started an online debate with a recent tweet about President Trump.
Perrette shared the scripture Matthew 16:26 on Twitter, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul." She added:
"Where is Jesus when voting for someone who does the opposite of Jesus? I'm serious. I'm a faith-driven person. Jesus didn't make fun of people, say horrible mean things, spread hate about race, women, [disabled] and pretty much any target that makes the hateful cheer."
Read more on our Twitter account, @amomama_usa. There is more to this tweet, and it can be seen below.
In light of the recent midterm elections, Perrette added that as a Christian, she is happy with her vote and that she won't be supporting "Trump and his pals."
The actress, who recently debunked her reasons for leaving "NCIS," went on:
"He is a mean, mean man. He's fooling you. Stop laughing with him. It's cruelty, and it's wrong."
She received mixed reviews online. One user said it might sound as though Trump is mean, but he is "fighting back" and is a "very caring person."
A Republican voter agreed with Perrette and said that "the way Trump is treating people is totally unChristian." She also thanked Perrette for her tweet.
This is not the first time Perrette spoke out about sensitive issues. Earlier this year, she also opened up about sexual abuse and pedophilia.
Perrette wanted to know if there will ever be a time when everybody can agree that assault and pedophilia are wrong.
While she received mostly positive feedback and support, several Twitter users made her question her faith in humanity.
In light of the responses she received, Perrette took to Twitter again, saying the negative feedback simple proved her point.
She used the hashtag "think humanity, not politics," and said that she is wounded by "who we have become." It saddened her that people would try to find an excuse for assault and pedophilia.
Perrette also took to Twitter when the Harvey Weinstein saga started, and she noted that women, in general, were not shocked by what was happening.
The actress was raped when she was 15 years old. Over the years, she has used her fame and her social following to raise awareness about sexual abuse and violence.