Dad punished his daughter for bullying by making her walk five miles to school in 36 degrees
The father of a 10-year-old bully delivered a hard lesson to his recalcitrant daughter.
While psychiatrists and authorities seem to be helpless in stemming the epidemic of bullying sweeping through American schools, one Ohio father decided he would not stand idly by.
Matt Cox's 10-year-old daughter was suspended from using the school bus for bullying other students. It was her second suspension for bullying, and Cox took drastic action. He filmed the outcome and posted it on Facebook/matt.cox on December 3, 2018, where it garnered over 16 million views and was shared 350,000 times.
"I realized she viewed the privilege of riding the bus and or car rides to and from school as a right and not a privilege."
Matt Cox, Facebook/matt.cox, December 3, 2018.
Kirsten Cox had been suspended before from riding on the school bus for namecalling and blocking another student from getting off.
At that time, she had asked her father to take her to school, and he had. The second time around, Cox was determined things were going to be different. Kirsten would have to face the consequences of her action.
"I'm not going to be another parent that's just going to brush things under the rug and say kids will be kids."
Cox let his daughter set off with her backpack and followed her to school in his car, making sure she was safe.
Kirsten told her father he would have to drive her to school for the one-week duration of the suspension, but Cox refused. He told Kirsten that he would not be driving her to school - she would have to walk the 5 miles in freezing Ohio winter weather.
So on Monday, December 3, Kirsten set off to school with the thermometer measuring a shivery 36º F, the equivalent of approximately 2º C. Cox let his daughter set off with her backpack and followed her to school in his car, making sure she was safe.
Cox explained in his voiceover that he wanted to drive home the lesson that bullying is unacceptable, and that he would not tolerate such behavior in his daughter. He admitted that many parents would not agree with his action, but he knew he was doing what was best for his daughter and her future.
He also felt that his Kirsten was claiming as a right what is, in fact, a privilege, like getting a ride to school in her dad's car. He later shared the outcome of the life lesson he gave Kirsten:
"UPDATE: lesson learned! Still has all her extremities intact is happy and healthy and seems to have a new outlook on bullying as well as a new appreciation for some of the simple things in life she used to take for granted."
Perhaps if more parents took action and made it clear to their children that bullying others will impact negatively in their own lives, rather than enabling or excusing the behavior as "kid's stuff," a change might be brought about.
Read more on Twitter Amomama USA.

Source: Pixabay
The single father of three teens was shocked to discover his daughter Callie was involved in bullying a young girl who had consequently tried to commit suicide. Callie had posted photos of the overweight girl in awkward poses on Facebook several times, fat-shaming and humiliating her.
“My daughter Callie is, to me, one of the sweetest people I know. She gets good grades, has lovely friends, and still finds time to be a wonderful loving daughter. I have never had to ground her in high school, and she had never given me reason to believe she is acting out."
Callie's victim's mother phoned her father, and sobbing revealed the sordid story. Horrified by the revelation of his daughter's true character, the man took action. He did the unthinkable and opened her computer, where he found a file labeled "FATTY" full of photographs of her victim.
"Callie and her friends took pictures of the girl in “funny” poses, such as bending over to pick something up and her butt crack was showing. The girl is over weight and I think a lot of the pictures had to do with fat shaming…"
He ordered his daughter home, and when she did not comply, he got into his car and fetched her from a party she was attending.
Knowing that Callie was the ringleader, he confronted her and called her out on her actions.
“You should be embarrassed! You put a girl in the hospital because of what you and your friends have been up to and now you have lied to me (...) Your mother would be so ashamed of you, I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
He discovered that Callie has a Facebook page dedicated to mocking and humiliating the “nerds and loners” of the school. Callie had posted over 50 photos and victimized several students.
Callie's father made her post an apology and canceled all her plans for the summer. He confiscated all her electronic devices, from her cell phone to her computer, and she can only use the family's landline under supervision.
Callie is also attending therapy once a week and will be spending the summer doing community service. When her victim leaves the hospital, Callie's father will accompany her, and she will apologize to the girl and her family for her actions and the pain she has put them through.
Like Matt Cox, Callie's father took matters into his own hands and showed his daughter that he would not tolerate her cruel behavior.
In a related story, the parents of a 9-year-old girl who took her own life are speaking out against bullying and its dangerous consequences.