Teen who pushed friend off a bridge appears in court as victim asks for justice
18-year-old Taylor Smith appears to a court hearing for the first time in relation with the August 7 incident in which she pushed 16-year-old Jordan Holgerson from a three-stories-tall bridge, causing her many injuries.
Smith appeared at the Clark County Court in Vancouver, Washington, on December 4, and could face up to a year in jail or paying up to $5.000 if she is found guilty of the charge of reckless endangerment, as Daily Mail reported.
Holgerson was also present at the courtroom as Smith pleaded not guilty and refused to have a speed trial in order for her lawyers to continue trying to reach an agreement with prosecutors.
A trial date was set for February 11, and Smith agreed to the date. Holgerson is not happy with the speed of the procedure and hopes that Smith eventually receives a proper punishment. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa
“I'm just looking for justice. I hope this is over soon. ... She's making this a difficult trial. I hope that she learns something. She said that she was going to take full responsibility. ... All that she's been doing is lying. ... I just don't think she really even cares.”
-Jordan Holgerson, Daily Mail, December 5, 2018.
Smith was caught in a video that has since gone viral as she pushed her friend down 60-foot-tall Moulton Falls Bridge in Washington State, and ever since she was taken to the hospital, Holgerson hasn’t wanted to hear anything from Smith, reporting her with the authorities instead.
Smith has said to be sorry about what happened and has tried many times to contact Holgerson, who has always refused and has been open about how she wants to see Smith behind bars for what she did to her.
Although Smith admitted having pushed Holgerson, she pleaded not guilty to the charge against it, claiming that she did it to help her overcome her fear and not to harm her.
But if the video of the incident is any evidence, Holgerson can be clearly heard saying “no” to Smith the second after the latter pushed her down the bridge.
“I didn’t think about the consequences. I thought she would be fine,” Smith said back when the news broke, but, in fact, Holgerson was far from fine after the fall.
Holgerson suffered from 6 broken ribs, 2 punctured lungs, and multiple other internal injuries.
The bridge in Moulton Falls Regional Park is a popular spot for daredevils. People jump off it despite seeing the sign that prohibits jumping and diving.
After the incident, Holgerson considered herself lucky to be alive, and she used the opportunity to warn others not to attempt at jumping from there, but to “stick to the rocks.”