CNN New York office evacuated while on air due to bomb threat
CNN's New York offices had to be evacuated after an anonymous caller claimed that there were five explosive devices hidden inside the building.
The call was made on Thursday night, just before 10 p.m., prompting several fire alarms to be rung, signaling a mandatory evacuation of the premises.
As reported by CNN, a bomb squad was in standby outside the Time Warner Center as several police officers searched the inside of the offices.
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At the time of the call, Don Lemon's "CNN Tonight" was live, although on a break, and was quickly taken off the air so everyone could leave the building.
According to Lemon, people grabbed whatever they could on their way out and were forced to wait outside of the building for more news.
As a result, the networks' live programs were replaced by taped programming for around 30 minutes before going back live from the sidewalk, where several police cars could be seen.
"A bomb squad was in standby outside the Time Warner Center as several police officers searched the inside of the offices."
Fortunately, the authorities didn't find anything suspicious and declared the structure as safe after a careful investigation of the network's offices.
All employees were given permission to return to the building in the morning, according to an internal memo to staff from CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker.
A few months ago, several explosive devices were sent to a number pf public figures, including former President of the U.S. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but they never reached their destination.
The packages were sent to Hillary's home in New York and Obama's residence in Washington but Secret Services agents managed to get a hold of them during a 'routine mail screening.'
Other packages were also sent to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman, Schultz, CIA Director John Brennan and famous Hollywood actor Robert De Niro. Fortunately, no one was harmed in the process.