
Infant mauled by two family bull terriers has died in hospital

Jaimie-lee Prince
Dec 14, 2018
03:31 P.M.

One-month-old Reuben McNulty died yesterday. He passed from horrific injuries when the family's pet dogs attacked him.


Two weeks ago, Staffordshire bull terriers Fizz and Dotty mauled the infant baby in the early hours of the morning. The incident occurred at Yaxley, Cambridgeshire.

The responding officers placed the dogs in kennels the day they attacked. The dogs, whom Dan had called his "babies," were later euthanized.

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Parents Amy Litchfield, 28, and Danny McNulty, 31, were subsequently arrested by Peterborough police for child neglect. The police released them not long after.


According to Mirror, Reuben succumbed to horrific damage, including head injuries, at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge on Thursday. An unnamed neighbor of the couple recalled how he had asked the couple: "What are you going to do about the dogs?"

In response, Dan said: "The dogs are our babies."

Amy's father Peter Litchfield spoke in defense of the couple, who have received backlash for what happened.

He said:


"If they were horrible parents they wouldn't be sitting with that young lad now. People need to realize there's always two sides to the story."

He continued:

"The thing is there's a lot at stake here for everybody, not just them, for us as well, as family."

Yet the couple's neighbor expressed how he had warned them:

"[Dan] was showing people his new baby because he was so proud of it. When he showed me the pictures, I said be careful because those dogs might not be used to the baby."


He added:

"I know what dogs are like when they get jealous. He said: 'I will do. Me and Amy were thinking about that anyway.' I can't work out what happened."

According to Peter, the parents have "done nothing wrong and the way it's being portrayed at the minute they're horrible parents. They bloody aren't," he insisted.

The father called the occurrence a "freak accident" and said Dan and Amy are "in bits" like everyone else.


A similar incident took place back in May 2018. Three-year-old Micajah was mauled by Bobo, his family's pet pit bull.

Portland, Oregan mother Sarah Fuller was left devastated when she saw her son's face horrifically wounded by the dog. Her family had been watching Micajah while she was at work for the day.

Thankfully, the toddler survived and underwent facial reconstruction surgery. His mother set up a GoFundMe page to help cover more surgery costs.

Little Kiyana McNeal was not as lucky when her brand new family dog attacked her back in September.


The family had just gotten a new Doberman following months of being without a pet when their Doberman died.

While training it within 45 minutes of arriving home, the dog bit McNeal, four, on her neck and hands.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention encouraged the public to be careful as half of all children 12 years-of-age and under in the United States have been bitten by a dog.

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