Woman recognizes the dentist with whom she studied many years ago
A woman has a shock when she recognizes her new dentist as an old crush from her high school days.
Nothing is more sobering once you reach a certain age than coming face to face with an unexpected mirror - or an old flame from back in the day.
None of us ever sees ourselves as old - and anyone we perceive as elderly can't possibly be our age, can they?

Source: Pixabay
A woman was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for her first appointment with a new dentist when she noticed a diploma hanging on the wall.
The dentist's name rang a bell, and after some thought, she remembered him as a tall, handsome boy she had once had a secret crush on in high school.
She started thinking back on her high school days, and felt her heart start to flutter at the thought of seeing that handsome boy again.

Source: Pixabay
The woman waited eagerly to be called in for her appointment but was sadly disappointed to meet a balding, gray-haired man with a battered, wrinkled face - nothing like her charming beau of 25 years before.

Source: Pixabay
After the dentist had examined her teeth, the woman asked him if he had attended St Mary High School.

Source: Freepik
"Yes, I did!" The man exclaimed enthusiastically.
“When did you graduate?” the woman enquired.
He answered: “In 1989. Why do you ask?” “
You were in my class!!!!” the woman cried.
Then the ugly, old, bald, wrinkled faced, gray-haired, man looked at her closely and asked: “What did you teach?”
Read more on Twitter Amomama USA.

Source: Pixabay
A grandma on her deathbed tells her favorite granddaughter: "I want to leave you my farm. That includes the barn, livestock, the harvest, the tractor, and other equipment, the farmhouse and $24,548,750.45 in cash."
The granddaughter, stunned and excited about his new inheritance exclaims: "Oh grandma, you are SO generous! I didn't even know you had a farm. Where is it?"
With her last breath, Grandma whispered: "Facebook..."