Brave firefighter rescues puppy stranded on the bank of a pond and decides to adopt him
A group of firefighters from the state of Georgia rescued a puppy but the biggest surprise happened later.
The firefighters of Dekalb Company 24 came to the rescue of a small puppy that had been trapped on the bank of the pond after the Animal Control managers tried to rescue him without success.
It is not known under what circumstances the small black and white dog ended up in such a problem, but the good news is that the firefighters managed to rescue him safe and sound.
The little dog was ready to be taken to the shelter and finally be adopted by some family in search of a pet, however, this little furry did not even have to reach the shelter to get a good home. Follow us on Twitter for more @amomama.
Animal Control decided to ask the firefighters first, after all the effort they had put into saving the puppy if any of them wanted to adopt it.
Patrick Harrison had been one of the rescuers of the puppy and as soon as he heard that he had no home to go to, he decided to adopt him without thinking and to give him a new family.
According to a publication made by the firefighters of Delkab Company 24 through their Facebook account, the small black and white spots has become the new best friend of all.

Source: Facebook/Dekalb Company 24
If you don’t believe that firefighters are true heroes, check this other story of the rescue of 86 dogs that were trapped in a fire.
In a similar story, two workers decided to stop the vehicle in which they were traveling to check it for maintenance reasons. It was at that moment when they observed a strange figure in a small stream of icy water that ran nearby.
They were surprised to notice that the strange figure was a puppy that was trying desperately to stay afloat. Immediately, they stopped what they were doing and got into the current to help the animal. One of them managed to reach it and remove it from the ice water.