Doctors rally over healthcare problems after two migrant children died at the border
Physicians at L.A. County USC Medical Center had enough and vowed to do something about the U.S's humanitarian travesty.
Following the death of two migrant children – aged seven and eight – pediatric resident Maria Martez Gomez asked for supervision of health for migrant children.
She said: "We are asking for more supervision of health for those kids coming in from the border. We are willing to provide our services to them so that we can hopefully prevent kids from dying."
An internal medicine resident who visited a detention center in Texas was shocked at the conditions children were forced to live in.
Dr. Lisa Gantz said they "spend less than an hour outside each day," and said it was devasting to see the children in those conditions.
After the death of one of the migrant children on Christmas Day, a detailed account of his care was released by the federal agency.
The report showed that a flue test was not administered to the 8-year-old child, leading an associate professor at Baylor College in Houston to say:
"This child's death could have been prevented."
Another doctor, infectious disease specialist Dr. Buddy Creech, explained that "flu can be a relatively mild illness, but it can also kill children very quickly."
He believes that, had the proper care been administrated, 7-year-old Felipe from Guatemala wouldn't have lost his life.
Less than a week before his death, an 8-year-old Guatemalan girl survived a 2,000-mile track but lost her life when she crossed the border.
Critics of Donald Trump have placed the blame on Trump's administration as his "fear-mongering talk of an invasion at the Mexican border" have driven people to increasingly desperate measures.
The Department of Homeland Services gave a timeline of what happened after the group of 163 crossed the border December 5.
It is said to be the most remote of 43 ports of entry along the border and those who do cross here are usually “give-ups” who hand themselves over to border agents.
However, Trump policies of placing border sentries on international bridges to block people from stepping on to United States soil has increased the numbers traveling to more dangerous and remote spots.
America might see a change for the better, as representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks low-cost healthcare for all Americans.
She criticized the healthcare system and demanded that everyone assist in reforming the healthcare system.
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